You have to know

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Stacey's pov

Mike spoke so coldly and seemed so detached, I knew without a shadow of a doubt he was not only extremely angry but disappointed as well. Without any further warning, he whipped his new belt harshly across my bare backside, causing me to let out a painful cry as I buried my face into his sheets.

"You stole, Stacey." He slapped his belt down again. "You lied." He continued to belt the same spot overlapping each stroke. "You broke the law. You could go to prison for selling schedule IV medications. Did you ever think of that, Stacey?" I gripped as much of his sheets as I could ball up into my clenched fists, hissing in pain with each excruciating stroke. Mike hadn't been exaggerating when he said he was going to belt me harder than he ever had before.

He started concentrating on the sensitive skin at the crease of my bottom.

"You compromised people's safety by giving them meds that weren't prescribed for them. Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? What if one of those kids had an allergic reaction or overdosed? Did you ever even consider that?" Mike continued belting me relentlessly. "You would have been liable for that. We would have been liable for that. Dr. Curtis, this Center, and the Foundation would have been liable. You could have faced criminal and civil charges. Hell, you could still get arrested and face large fines if any of this gets traced back to you." My skin was on fire as each stroke from that wicked leather beast reignited the searing pain on my defenseless behind.

"You jeopardized your cousin's health and well-being." Mike whipped his belt across the middle of my thighs so hard I screeched in pain. "How could you do that to her, Stacey?" He belted my thighs again and again. I had to muffle my cries by biting down on his comforter. "You know how difficult it is for her to manage her anxiety, which can be crippling at times, and then you go and take away the very medication prescribed to treat it."

I didn't think it was possible but Mike spanked my buttocks even more harshly.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He focused solely on my sit spots now so I pounded my fists on his bed and twisted my body out of the line of fire. Mike grabbed me around the waist to immobilize me and began belting me so hard and fast, the pain literally took my breath away. I gasped for air as I struggled to push my upper body off the bed and tried to thrash out of his iron grip.

"Starting to feel anxious now, Stacey? Are you beginning to panic?" Mike didn't let up on the speed or intensity of each slap that connected so painfully with my beet red swollen ass. "Now you have some idea how your cousin feels when she has a panic attack, except for her the feeling is even more intense and terrifying."

I went limp and sobbed, burying my head into his pillow when I heard Mike reiterate how awful Julie's anxiety could make her feel. Knowing that what I did could have made it so much worse for my cousin, really hit home. I couldn't believe I risked her health to make money for my selfish gain.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I'm so sorry," I cried out, begging for mercy, but Mike continued to lay that thick leather belt into me. "I never wanted to hurt anyone, please believe me, Mike."

"Count these last ten, Stacey, and brace yourself, they're going to be the hardest yet. If you hadn't come forward and confessed, you'd be facing the last twenty right now." Signaling an end to this punishment, Mike finally took pity on me, or so I thought. He proceeded to deliver ten extremely harsh strokes to my already bruised buttocks as I struggled to find my voice in order to keep the count.

After I managed to eek out, "Ten sir," Mike placed his belt on his bed and leaned down to rub my back while whispering in my ear, "I'll give you fifteen minutes to apologize to your cousin and gather all the purchases you made with the money from selling Julie's medication so we can drop them off at the women and children's shelter. Do not forget anything and do not keep me waiting, Stacey Marie." He firmly slapped the center of my bottom with his hand before walking out of the room.

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