Can we please

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Mike's pov

Teaching the girls to drive has been an experience to say the least. Thank the Lord for driver's ed. teachers for assuming a lot of the responsibility, definitely unsung heroes in my book. No one can claim more bravery than driving instructors who ride in a car all day beside twitchy, emotional teenagers. God bless 'em.

Lisa was the last of our four girls to get her license, despite Carrie being the youngest. It took Lisa three tries to pass her road test. She hit the curb on her first attempt, which is an automatic fail. The second time she failed to come to a complete stop at a stop sign.

And now, here she was standing before me asking for my keys so she could take my baby.

Lisa's pov

"Can we please just dispense with the customary prelims where you tell me the fifty ways I can die while driving thirty miles an hour through town on my way to the library and instead you could just hand me the keys." I rolled my eyes before checking my streaks.

I was in no mood to hear Mike's safe driving speech for the millionth time. Just because I was the last to get my license, I always get the most flack before being given the keys. I knew Mike wouldn't be able to deny my request to take his car though since I told him I needed to meet my friends at the library so we could work on our group project for world history. I just didn't have the patience right now to deal with the b.s. that comes before the inevitable allowance to take his baby for a spin.

"There's actually fifty-four ways you could die and no, we cannot just dispense with the prelims and I won't just hand over my keys, Lisa." Mike looked pissed as he stood glaring at me, hands on hips, eyes narrowed.

Foolishly, I ignored all the warning signs.

"Keys please," I stated, holding my hand out, motioning for Mike to fork them over while my eyes remained glued to my phone screen. I made sure to sigh loudly first, just for good measure.

"I'm pretty sure, no I'm positive, you've forgotten whom you're speaking to with that tone of voice and attitude, young lady."

Mike jerked the waistband of my jeans up forcefully with his right hand as he proceeded to deliver five very painful slaps to my behind with his left hand.

"Ow!" I vigorously rubbed the sting from my bottom and my crotch when Mike wasn't looking, after readjusting myself from the wedgie he just gave me with my tight jeans.

Unconcerned with my current state of discomfort, Mike continued to lecture, "You go straight to the library to work on that project and come straight home when you're done. No detours. Understood?" Mike's rigid posture indicated clearly the lack of wiggle room in his edict. "And not a minute later than 9pm," he added, before placing the keys in my hand.

"Yeah yeah, no detours, 9pm, got it," I said, completely disinterested in his mandates while I continued to text one-handed, not an easy feat I might add.

Mike yanked my phone out of my hand mid text. God I hope he doesn't look at the screen cuz then he'll know where I'm actually going tonight. Thankfully, he just held my phone in his hand as he continued to preach the rules of the road.

"You do remember you're not allowed to use your phone at any time while behind the wheel, correct? Do I have to keep your phone here with me so you're not tempted to use it while driving, young lady?"

"Ugghh, for the love of God, I know I can't use my damn phone while driving, not even hands free. I get it. I'm not an idiot." I shook my head and rolled my eyes again in disbelief that Mike really thinks I'm that stupid.

"Apparently my earlier warning wasn't sufficient to curb your mouth or your attitude, Lisa Michelle." Mike was really pissed now and I started to panic as he began unbuckling his belt.

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