The fundraiser

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Stacey's pov

I knock on Shane's door so I can give him my field trip permission slip to sign. I'm a little nervous, even though I haven't done anything wrong, aside from breaking curfew two weeks ago. I know Shane has punished Julie and Lisa pretty severely in the last few days so I don't want to do anything to piss him off and become his third victim. Although, I think to myself, they both mouthed off to Shane's girlfriend Kimberly which is probably the reason Shane was so hard on them. I'm in the clear in that regard since I was more than polite to her. I knock again, a little louder this time.

He tells me to come in. As I walk in his room, he ushers me to have a seat since he's still on the phone.

This is what I hear, "I just don't think it's a good idea."

Shane is pacing the room with the phone pressed against his ear.

"But there are so many things that could go wrong. Too many unknowns." Shane takes a seat in his desk chair, rubbing his temples in exasperation.

"Yes sir, I understand," he sighs, starting to accept defeat and acquiesce.

I finally figure out who's on the other end of the phone; Dr. Curtis. Dr. Curtis is the only person I know who can turn Shane and Mike into timid little kids about to be taken out to the woodshed. God, I wish I knew how he does that.

"Yes sir. Absolutely. Right away, sir."

Shane ends the call and turns to me.

"So what's up?" He sounds relieved to be off the phone.

"I just need my permission slip signed," I say, passing him the form. "What was that about?" I ask, knowing I'm pressing my luck.

"Not that it's any of your business," he says, shooting me a warning glance, "but that was about the fundraiser we'll be attending."

"We?" This conversation just got interesting.

"Yes, the five of us, against my better judgment, will be attending the single most important fundraiser of the year for The Foundation."

"Sweet!" It's sad that a fundraiser actually sounds exciting but after being grounded for the past two weeks, I'm on board with anything that gets me out into the real world again.


My celebration is short lived.

"I expect the four of you to be on your BEST behavior, or you will 'sorely' regret it."

Shane uses the word sorely instead of surely on purpose. Foreshadowing of sorts but I don't care, I'm too excited about our upcoming soiree.

"Will there be hot guys there?"

"Get out!" Shane throws his pen at me as I run out the door laughing.

Two weeks later

Shane's pov

I don't know what Neil was thinking when he forced me to bring the girls to this fundraiser. Before we drive through the gate on the way to Mr. Burns's estate, I pull over on the side of the road so I can go over my expectations for this evening, again.

"I'm only going to say this one more time. I want the four of you on your best behavior tonight. This is the most important fundraiser for The Foundation. The money we raise tonight will help a lot of people in need around the world. We are here as representatives of Dr. Curtis and the amazing work his charities do. He's very proud of the NJC's success and he would like to open more centers like it in the U.S. That's why he wanted the four of you to be here tonight. Don't do anything to make him regret that decision. Any misbehavior on your part reflects negatively on his reputation and in business, reputation is everything. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" I really wish Mike was here to back me up.

Stacey's pov

Oh my gosh, can we just get to the party already? I swear this is the tenth time Shane's said, "I'm only going to say this one more time." We get it. Don't embarrass you. Good, I think the lecture is over.

"Yes sir," we all respond, to Shane's request for clarity.

I know this night must be important. Shane's wearing his ceremonial day dress Royal Navy uniform, complete with full dress sword belt. I'm not going to say he looks amazing, 'cause that would be gross since he's like a father to me. I will, however, say he cleans up nice. I mean, he almost always has a suit and tie on. Casual day for him is a dress shirt and khakis but tonight he's really dressed to the nines. We don't have ball gowns on or anything but I'd say the four of us look pretty awesome, sexy dare I say. It was fun having an excuse to go shopping for a new dress and shoes.

As we drive through the gate, the mansion comes into view. OMG! This place is amazing. It's freakin' huge. I can't believe it's some guy's house. It looks like a frickin' hotel. The inside is even better than the outside. I wanna party with this guy more often. One of his butlers, Smithers I think, gives us a tour. Yes, I said ONE of his butlers. This guy has more servants than we have teachers at my school. I could move in tonight. This place rocks.

Inside the mansion

Stacey's pov

I am so hungry. I wish Shane had told us dinner wouldn't be served until 8:30pm. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast because I was too busy getting ready for this party. Oh thank god, here comes a waiter with some appetizers.

"What the hell is this?" I ask, when I see the tiny little blobs of goo on his tray.

"It's an amuse bouche," he replies snottily.

Ok, maybe he wasn't being snotty, maybe I'm just a little hangry.

"Where are the appetizers?" I ask.

"Appetizers will be served at 7:30pm, Miss."

Uggh. I roll my eyes.

Shane's pov

As I'm talking to the Senator, I see Stacey's encounter with the waiter, out of the corner of my eye.

"Excuse me for just a minute, Senator. I'll be right back."

I return to my conversation with the Senator after speaking to Stacey.

"I have to ask you, Admiral Donovan, and forgive me for prying, what did you say to your daughter just now?" the Senator asks.

I must be giving the Senator a confused look because he starts to clarify his question.

"Don't get me wrong, Admiral, your girls are all lovely young ladies. I'm just curious how you whispered one thing in her ear and her demeanor changed completely. If there's a magic phrase, please enlighten me so I can try it on my sons at home."

I chuckle before responding, "No magic phrase, Senator. I simply asked her, did you know my admiral's belt weighs four pounds'?"

The Senator looks at me quizzically.

"I don't follow. What does the weight of your belt have to do with anything?"

"Let's just say it's a great attitude adjuster, Senator." I excuse myself from the conversation as I let the Senator ponder my words.

Stacey's pov

I better lay low until dinner so I fly under Shane's radar. I manage to entertain myself in some possibly questionable ways until dinner is served, and served it is. The cutest guy I've ever seen is our beverage waiter. Yummy. We flirt back and forth through the first three courses, then Mr. Burns stands up to make a toast. The cute waiter brings out a tray of champagne flutes. He offers me one and I accept. No one at my table knows how old I am, or who I am for that matter, or so I thought. Cheers!

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