Lisa's first time

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Lisa's pov

Stacey comes back into the bathroom, crying just as much as Julie did when she came in. She's rubbing her bottom like Julie did too. She tells me Mike is waiting for me.

"I don't wanna get spanked," I say, tears welling. "I've never been spanked before."

Stacey says, "You're lucky, it hurts bad."

Julie adds, "Yeah, it hurts a lot. Mike's a hard spanker."

I hear Mike yell, "Lisa, get out here. NOW!"

I can't move, I'm too scared.

Stacey says, "You better go. He gets mad if you make him wait."

"And he adds more swats," Julie explains.

"No, I'm not going. I can't. I don't wanna." I'm fiercely shaking my head side to side

Stacey says, with a genuine concern in her voice, "Don't worry. It'll be okay. We'll be here after to help you."

"Promise you'll help me?" I ask.

Julie responds, "Yeah, that's what sisters do and we're like sisters."

I smile slightly, still scared but happy they think of me as a sister. I've never had a sister before.

Mike yells loudly, "ONE."

Stacey says, "Oh oh, he's counting. You have to go now," as she shoves me out of the bathroom. 

Mike sternly states, "Come. here."

I can tell he's really angry because he's pausing between each word and the vein on his forehead is bulging out. I quickly walk over to him. He pulls me in front of him, holding my arms against my sides.

"I know you're scared because you've never been spanked before, but don't ever make me wait for you again. Do you understand me?"

He's using his scary voice. I'm too afraid to talk, so I nod up and down. He reaches behind me and sharply spanks my butt with his left hand. I start to cry.

"The correct response is, yes sir. Do you want to try that again? Do. you. understand. me?"

Oh oh, he's doing the pause between word thing again. "Yes sir," I say meekly.

"That's better." He lifts my chin up so I can look him in the eye. "Do you know why you're getting a spanking?"

"Yes sir."

Six-year-olds can be taught respect, Mike thinks to himself.

"Tell me why."

"Because I got out of bed to watch tv."

"Yes. You broke the lights out rule and now you're going to receive ten swats and one extra because you made me wait when I called you. Get over my knee, Lisa."

I stand motionless, too scared to move. Sensing this, Mike guides me over his left leg. He pats my back gently with his right hand. I tense up seeing him raise his left hand. The first swat lands on my left buttcheek. It's not so bad. I can handle this. The second one lands on my right buttcheek. Okay that one was a little worse because he already swatted me there when I didn't say yes sir. Ow! The third and fourth hit between my butt and thighs. Son of a b... The fifth, sixth, and seventh hit in an upward motion on my sit spots, causing an intense burning sensation. I feel the tears streaming down my face. Swats eight, nine, and ten are much harder than the previous ones. I tense up waiting for the last one.

"This one's for not coming the first time I called you." Mike rears back and delivers the hardest spank yet.

MOTHER F...ER that one stung. A lot. I didn't even know I knew this many bad words.

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