My watch

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The next morning in the girls' room

Stacey's pov

Knock knock knock

"Make it stop. Make it stop." (the knocking sound continues) I open one eye to check my clock for the time. Crap, I can't see it without rolling on my side and that's not gonna happen. Thanks to Shane's extremely chatty belt, I prefer to stay on my stomach for awhile. (the knocking continues) "Ugghh! I swear, I will kill whoever is responsible for making that ungodly noise."

Mike opens our door while still knocking.

"I'm not sure this qualifies as a justifiable homicide defense, Stacey. I've been knocking for three minutes. Why are none of you awake? Morning's here."

Lisa asks, "What time is it?"

Mike replies, "7am, ladies."

"But it's Saturday," I whine. "That's like the equivalent of getting up at 4am during the week."

Lisa asks, "Why can't we sleep in today?"

"YOU can, darlin'. I'm only here for them."

Mike points to me and Julie. This cannot be a good thing for us, Hoes Mad. Anytime Mike speaks in an awful attempt at a southern drawl (think Kevin Spacey in House of Cards), watch out 'cause the shit's gonna hit the fan.

"I want the two of y'all dressed and in my room in five minutes. Don't be late!" He's again pointing at me and Julie and again using the awful accent.

Once Mike leaves, Julie asks, "Why am I legit terrified right now?"

"My spidey sense is tingling." I'm pretty sure we're not gonna like what Mike has in store for us.

Lisa pulls her covers over her head. Carrie continues to softly snore. Julie and I get up slowly, still hurting from last night.

Julie rubs her sore butt, complaining, "Damn Shane and his verbose belt."

"Oh my gosh, that's what I was literally just thinking like two minutes ago."

Julie says, "Shut up, no way."

"Way, except replace the word verbose with chatty."

Julie smiles, "See, that's our cousin connection working, right there."

4 minutes 59 seconds later in Mike's room

Mike's pov

I check my watch and think the cousins are really pushin' it this time, but then I glance up and see them entering my room just under the wire. I give them a disapproving look.

"Sit down!" I say sternly.

The girls give me a confused stare. Both of them grimace as their sore bottoms make contact with their chairs.

"Did the two of you seriously think I was going to let last night go unanswered?"

"We were hoping yes, since Shane already punished us," Stacey says nervously.

"Apparently, he did a good job," I say, smirking at their clear discomfort as they squirm on the hard wooden seats.

Julie's pov

"You know, that's not fair to punish us twice for the same crime. That's double jeopardy," I say.

Mike booms, "FAIR?"

Oh shit, I hit a nerve, again. You would think I'd have learned after the last time I accused Mike of being unfair but sadly no, I hadn't.

Stacey hisses at me under her breath, "Undo it, undo it!"

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