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Stacey's pov

I walked through the same fire exit door from which I originally left on cloud nine, grinning from ear to ear until I ran smack dab into, "Dr. Curtis!" I yelled out in shock.

He grabbed me by my arms to steady me so I wouldn't fall after I literally smacked into his rock hard chest.

"Care to explain what you're doing out at one in the morning, young lady?"

My mouth suddenly became drier than a desert as I struggled to find my voice. Dr. Curtis scared the shit out of me on a good day, let alone a night when he caught me red-handed breaking curfew.

"I uh, I um..." I stammered, trying to think of a good excuse, any excuse really that would get me out of this situation in as little trouble as possible.

Dr. Curtis stood rigidly and stared at me coldly with his arms crossed over his chest.

"It shouldn't take this long to speak the truth, Stacey." His voice was even colder than his glare.

"Ummm, I was just, uh..." I continued to struggle to find the right words.

"Let me stop you right there," he interrupted me. "If I hear anything other than a one hundred percent honest reply come out of your mouth right now, as God is my witness, my paddle will break before I'm through wearing out your behind."

I stood utterly speechless, my mouth gaping as I processed his threat.

"Have I made myself clear, Stacey Marie?" The fire in Dr. Curtis's eyes easily pierced through any trace of bravery that may have prompted me to lie.

I swallowed hard and nodded, still too afraid to form a coherent sentence.

"You should know better than to think I would accept a nod of the head. Answer me properly, young lady," he said sternly.

Swallowing again to find enough saliva to speak, I squeaked out a pathetically timid, "Yes sir."

"Well..." Dr. Curtis prompted me, but I remained silent, unsure of what to say. He frowned and cupped his chin in his right hand. "This is not an appropriate hour to try my patience so I strongly suggest you answer me immediately, Stacey."

"I was just out with a friend. We went to a party together," I lied, suddenly feeling optimistic. Fingers crossed, Dr. Curtis would have no way of knowing whom I was with tonight.

"We'll be discussing this situation with your guardians later this morning. Until then, I suggest you get some sleep," Dr. Curtis said sternly, looking at me and questioning the truth behind my response.

"Yes sir," I replied, before hightailing it to my room.

Later that morning

Mike's pov

Neil called me at 5:30am saying, "Michael, I want to see you, Donovan, and Stacey in my office in fifteen minutes. Don't be late. Understood?"

"Yes sir, we'll be there," I replied respectfully.

After letting Shane know about the call, I quietly walked into the girls' room as they were all still asleep. 

I pulled Stacey's comforter off her and smacked her on the bottom while whispering harshly in her ear, "I want you up, dressed, and in my room in five minutes."

Stacey rubbed her bottom and replied, "Ow. Alright, I'll get up."

I smacked her bottom again, just hard enough to garner her attention but not so hard as to wake the others.

"Get moving!" I whispered in a severe no-nonsense tone, before leaving their room.

When Stacey entered my room four minutes later, I yelled, "WHY DOES DR. CURTIS WANT US IN HIS OFFICE? WHAT IN GOD'S NAME DID YOU DO, YOUNG LADY?"

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