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Lisa's pov

Shane is bringing his new girlfriend Kimberly out to dinner with us tonight. I haven't figured out yet who's being punished; the four of us, Shane or Kimberly. We have to be on our best behavior and pretend to like her, even if we really despise her. Shane's caught in the middle, trying to sell our virtues to her and vice versa, in addition to downplaying our faults and hers. Kimberly has to tolerate us or risk losing Shane. Truly a lose, lose, lose situation.

On the way to the restaurant, Mike and Shane each remind us about fifteen times to behave ourselves tonight. Blah blah blah polite, blah blah blah respectful, blah blah blah best behavior, blah blah blah consequences is all I heard. I really have no desire to meet Shane's new girlfriend. It's nothing personal, I don't even know Kimberly, afterall. I won't like any woman he's dating. Truth be told, I know it's selfish but I don't want to have to share Shane with anyone. I mean let's face it, Mike and Shane have their hands full with the four of us and their jobs as it is. How is he going to be able to juggle a girlfriend in the mix?

Mercifully, the threat of blistering our butts, thinly veiled in the guise of a lecture, ceased as we arrived at the restaurant. Kimberly was meeting us here, as she was coming straight from work.

Shane commences the introductions, "Girls, this is Kimberly. Kimberly, this is Stacey, Lisa, Carrie, and Julie."

Kimberly says, "It's so nice to finally meet you girls. Shane talks about you all the time. In a way, I feel like I already know you."

Stacey and Carrie say, "It's nice to meet you too." Stacey appears to be on her best behavior. I think she's just happy to be out of the house since she's still grounded for lying to Mike.

Julie and I aren't so receptive to Shane's current piece of tail. Julie ignored her greeting and I mumbled, "Whatever," without even looking up. Unfortunately, our rudeness did not go unnoticed by Mike. Shane, however, was too busy staring at Kimberly's chest to pay attention to us.

As we followed our server to our table, Mike grabbed Julie and I by the back of our shirts and pulled us to him. Thankfully, we were at the back of the group so the others didn't notice.

Mike warns, "I thought Shane and I made it very clear, you were to be on your best behavior tonight. Did we not?"

WTF Mike! How the hell do we answer that? Yes you did not or no you did? Julie and I just look at him blankly, unsure of the correct response.

"I'm waiting, ladies!" Mike says impatiently. He's still holding the backs of our shirts to prevent our escape from this irrelevant conversation.

"What do you want from us, Mike?" I say with attitude.

"What I EXPECT from the two of you, is to treat Kimberly with respect and to act like civilized human beings. Is that something you can do, or is that too much to ask?"

Good God, it's like having a conversation with The Riddler. I throw out my hands in desperation, indicating I don't know what you want by my facial expressions and gestures. I, honestly, don't think Julie's even listening anymore as I see her staring out the window.

Mike sighs, exasperated by our lack of cooperation.

"Look, I know this isn't easy for you but I'm not going to remind you again to be polite. The next time you fail to be respectful, there will be unpleasant consequences. Am I clear?"

Not even a little bit, Mike, but whatever. I'm so over this conversation.

I hear Julie say, "Yes sir," absentmindedly as she continues to look out the window, oblivious to Mike's stern warning.

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