Only once part 2

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At the party

Julie's pov

A fight broke out. Nothin' major. Just two guys fightin' over some skank. Problem was, the skank was blitzed out of her mind and I don't think there were too many neurons firing even before the alcohol.

I see the dumbass pick up the phone (the landline - not a cell) and she dials 911 'cause some guy is beating the crap out of her boyfriend. The fight moves to another room, so she hangs up and follows them.

FUCK! I quickly scan the room, find Lisa, and grab her arm as I start pulling her towards the front door.

Interrupting her, "What the fu..."

"Come on, we gotta go, NOW!" I say, in a panic. "The cops are gonna be here any second. Where's Stacey?"

"I think she's in the backyard," Lisa answers.

"Good, we'll grab her on the way to the car."

We see Stacey out back and Lisa and I each grab an arm as we start sprinting towards the car.

"What the Hell?" Stacey whines.

Fuck, she's wasted.

"We'll explain in the car," I say, almost out of breath.

As we approach the car, I realize the fatal flaw in our plan. We don't have a designated driver. I guess I just figured Stacey would drive home, since she drove here. Son of bitch! What are we gonna do now?

Lisa shoves Stacey in the back seat and climbs in next to her. She grabs the keys out of her pocket and tosses them to me. We hear the sirens wailing in the background. The cops will be here any second.

"What are you waiting for?" Lisa asks, slurring her words.

Fuck me, I think. I shouldn't be driving. I've had five mixed drinks in the last hour. I have a pretty decent tolerance but I'm clearly feeling the effects of the alcohol coursing through my veins. You can see some of the problems if we get caught. I really don't want to drive when I'm buzzed but now we can see the red and blue lights flashing.

I jump in the driver's seat, turn the key, jam on the gas and pray silently, "Please God don't let me kill anyone. Keep us safe."

Fast forward ten minutes and four miles later (we didn't get too far). I lean my head back against the headrest, waiting for the officer to approach as we're pulled over on the side of the road.

"License and insurance!" the officer barks at me, as I roll down the window.

"Why aren't we moving?" Stacey questions slowly, still clearly drunk.

"Shut up!" Lisa hisses, finally starting to sober up enough to recognize what's going on.

"Have you been drinking?" the officer asks, clearly pissed and well aware of the answer.

I hesitate. 

"Everyone out of the car. NOW!" he commands. He reaches for his radio on his shoulder and calls for another officer to assist. He points to a spot a safe distance from the road and tells Stacey and Lisa to sit. He has me pushed up against the car with my hands up on the roof and my legs spread while he pats me down, asking about sharp objects and weapons or something. 

My mind is wandering, picturing my impending doom.

A lady in a black veil, crying and dabbing her eyes, standing by my grave, "She was so young," she sobs.

"Get me your license and insurance NOW!" the cop shouts, snapping me back to reality.

"I don't have a license, officer," I reply meekly.

 The officer looks at me as if for the first time he's really seeing the child standing before him.

"How old are you?" he asks, almost hesitantly as if he's afraid of the answer.

"Fourteen," I say, terrified to my core.

"Unbelievable," he mumbles, more to himself than out loud. He grabs what I correctly assume is a breathalyzer and tells me to blow into it three separate times. I'm way too scared to question if I have to. He looks at my result each time and shakes his head. He angrily directs me to sit next to my cohorts in crime and grabs our student IDs as his back-up arrives.

Lisa is in tears. Stacey is still blissfully in la-la land. I bury my head in my hands and pray for death.

The officers confer out of ear shot. When I look up, I see the second officer look at our IDs and look at us deep in thought. He does this a few more times, like he's trying to place us. He says something to the first officer, who appears to nod in agreement. 

The first officer gets into his squad car and drives off. The second officer is sitting in his squad car with the front door open. Little do we know, this is what we're missing...

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