Back at the cabin

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Mike's pov

Shane drives us back to the cabin. Everyone is emotionally and physically drained from today's events. He gets Carrie, Lisa, and Julie settled into their room for some quiet time and maybe even a nap. He then retires to our room, so I can speak to Stacey in private.

As the girls head into their room, I take a seat on the couch.

"Stacey, wait." I put my hand on her arm, stopping her as she walks by. "We need to talk about what happened today." She reluctantly stands in front of me, her head hanging down, ashamed.

"Stacey, look at me," I say, tilting her chin up. "What you did today was very dangerous. You could have been seriously hurt going off on your own like that. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," Stacey says meekly, still sniffling from crying.

"We're going to talk more about this later. Right now, I think we both need some time to recover. Okay?"

She nods in agreement.

"You can go to your room now." I close my eyes and take a slow deep breath before heading into my room to crash for a few hours.

A few hours later

Mike's pov

Now that we've had some time to decompress and recuperate from the afternoon's excitement, it's time for Stacey and I to have another talk. Shane takes the girls outside to help him prepare dinner. I ask Stacey to have a seat on the couch. While I'm thrilled she was found safe and unharmed, I cannot let her behavior go unpunished.

"We had one rule today for our hike. Do you remember what that rule was?"

"To stay together," Stacey answers, clearly avoiding my stern gaze.

"Did you break that rule?"


"Yes what?" My tone is becoming increasingly severe.

Stacey's pov

I gulp hearing Mike's angry no-nonsense voice.

"Yes sir," I say, not wanting to make him madder.

"You deliberately disobeyed me Stacey!" He's standing with his arms crossed waiting for a response.

"I didn't mean to get lost." Based on the glare I just received from Mike, that was not the response he wanted.

"I should be hearing an apology not excuses. You wouldn't have been lost if you had listened in the first place! Do you have any idea the trouble you caused? Your sisters, Shane, and I were worried sick, not to mention all the rangers and volunteers who spent their time looking for you. I cannot ignore your disobedience. What you did today more than crossed the line. Your behavior was reckless, dangerous and inexcusable. You could have been seriously injured and any of the people searching for you could have been hurt as well. The fact that you didn't mean to get lost, doesn't erase the fact that you purposely chose to break the rules. Now you're going to have to accept the consequences for that decision. Do I make myself clear?"

I don't want to cry but I can't help it. I hate it when Mike's so mad at me.

"Yes sir. I'm so sorry."

"You're about to be." He sits down on the couch next to me and orders, "Get over my knee."

I flinch hearing Mike slap his palms on the top of his thighs. I quickly lie across his lap, not wanting to anger him any more. He places his right hand on my back, holding me still as he pulls my pants and underwear down to my knees.

"No, please don't, Mike," I beg. It hurts so much more without my pants to protect me.

"You've more than earned this punishment today."

I know he's right but I'm still scared.

"You're getting fifteen for deliberately disobeying me and another twenty-five for putting your life and others' in danger."

I start squirming after the first swat. It was hard and it burns on my bare bottom. The next ten come without any breaks, fast and hard on my sit spots, slapping in an upward motion to increase the stinging sensation. The next seven are concentrated on my upper thighs just below the cheeks. He then delivers seven solely on the right cheek and seven solely on the left. My ass is red and burning hot. Tears are flowing down my cheeks.

"Please stop, it hurts."

"Not one more word, Stacey or I'll add five more."

The next three are slow and deliberate right below the coccyx.

"Last five Stacey."

These are going to be the hardest.


That one really stung. I instinctively reach back to protect my bottom. Mike grabs my wrists with his right hand and holds them against my back. I can't stop sobbing.

Smack. Smack.

It hurts so bad. I can't hold still. I want to reach back and protect my sore bottom but I can't since Mike's holding my wrists. I writhe on his lap, kicking my legs, trying desperately to break free from his tight grip. Mike swiftly pins my legs down by tucking them under his own.

Smack. Smack.

Owww! It stings so bad. Thank goodness it's over. I don't think I could take any more. Mike stands me up and pulls up my pants and underwear and gives me one more smack on my bottom. I reach back and rub my sore butt.

"I came very close to losing you today and I never want that to happen again." Mike's voice was quiet, almost halting, as if...

...he's crying. I look up at him and see a tear roll down his cheek.

He hugs me tight and whispers, "You have no idea how much I love you."

Knowing how sad I made him hurts so much worse than the spanking, but now I know I'm forgiven.

Carrie's pov

I feel so bad knowing Stacey's inside getting punished right now and it's all my fault. We all know when Mike needs to have a 'talk' with one of us it really means you're getting your bottom blistered. The cabin walls weren't soundproof, which confirmed my theory about the 'talk' they were having. I feel so guilty. I have to do something to make things right.

"Shane, can I talk to you?"

Shane's pov

I'm trying to distract myself from the sound of Stacey's punishment by poking at the fire. It's obvious Mike isn't going easy on her and it's hard to hear. I can't imagine the hell he went through today worrying about her during the search. I was terrified and I've only known the girls for a couple of months. Mike has known and loved them for much longer. His anxiety and fear must have been exponentially worse than my own. Brutal.

As I toss another log on the fire, I hear Carrie say, "Shane, can I talk to you?"

"It's may you, and yes you may."  That's my fourth grade teacher talking right there. I turn around and see she's crying. "What's the matter? Are you hurt? What happened?" I ask, panicking. I guess I'm still on edge from the day's events.

"It's all my fault," Carrie says, hiccuping from crying.

"What's your fault, darling? What are you talking about?"

"It's my fault Stacey got lost and now Mike's mad at her."

"Come here." I pat the spot next to me on the log bench, indicating Carrie should sit. When she sits down, I say, "Tell me why you think what happened with Stacey was your fault."

"Because if I had told Mike right away that she walked away then none of this would've happened and Mike wouldn't be mad at me and Stacey wouldn't be in trouble."

"Listen to me, Carrie." I wait until she looks me in the eye to continue, "Yes, you should have told us right away when Stacey walked away, BUT none of this is your fault. Stacey chose to break the rules and now she has to face the consequences of that choice. And I assure you, luv, Mike is not mad at you."


"Cross my heart."

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