You're a proven flight risk

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Julie's pov

"You know I can't let this go unanswered. Right, sweetheart?" Mike stated sternly, without breaking our embrace.

"I know, but why you gotta ruin everything?" I smiled coyly while hugging Mike even tighter.

"I can't have you thinking it's okay to run away from your problems, now can I?" Mike raised one eyebrow, indicating he was quite serious about this. "Seriously, what were you thinking, Julie?"

"I don't know. I guess I wasn't really thinking. I just needed to get away."

"What possessed you to go to Tristan, Julie? You know we broke up, right?"

"He's super sweet and I knew he wouldn't make me come back here right away." I decided to press my luck. "Why exactly did the two of you breakup, anyway?"

"That's none of your concern, Julie."

"Alright, I'm just sayin', I think Tristan still misses you and would like to get back together."

"It's not that simple."

"I don't think he's seeing anybody right now, if that's what you're worried about."

"Look, Julie, my relationship with Tristan is in the past and I don't want to hear another word about it." Mike's frustration was becoming evident.

"He's such a nice guy and you seemed so happy together. I just don't understand why you can't be that way again."

"Any dealings I had with Tristan in the past or have with him in the present or future are none of your business. This topic is not up for discussion. Period. Now do I make myself clear, Julie Elizabeth, or do I have to unbuckle my belt for you to get the message?"

"No sir, that won't be necessary."

"Good. Now, let's discuss your punishment." Mike gave me the disapproving dad glare before breaking the bad news. "I'll be keeping your phone for five weeks."

He held out his hand so I relinquished my phone. I would just get a burner phone anyways so I didn't really care.

"And don't even think about getting a burner phone, Julie..." he said, as if reading my mind. "...because if I catch you with one, you'll pray for death over the spanking you'll receive..."

Not gonna lie, I was low key scared of Mike's threat.

"...and if you think I'm kidding, you can ask Lisa."

Mike's words sent a chill down my spine as I flashed back to Lisa talking on her trap phone in our closet right before I took off. Shit, I'll have to check in with her later.

"Am I clear?"

"Uh huh," I responded without thinking, as I was still picturing what happened to Lisa.

Mike cleared his throat loudly as he glared daggers at me while standing with his arms crossed, waiting for a more appropriate response.

"I meant to say, yes sir." I quickly amended my reply seeing Mike's stern posture, knowing what kind of discipline he was capable of administering.

"And since now I know you're a proven flight risk, you'll be spending the next five days under my constant supervision and always within eyesight, aside from school and bathroom time of course. One day for every hour you were gone. Understand?"

"Ugghh!" I couldn't help voicing my displeasure with Mike's cruel and unusual punishment.

"I could ground you for five weeks instead, if you'd prefer, Julie." Apparently my opinion didn't go unnoticed by my guardian. "Or perhaps you'd prefer I spank you for five straight minutes as an alternative?"

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