Oh you picked the wrong day

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 Saturday morning

Mike's pov

As we're all sitting down to breakfast at the Center, Lisa asks me, "Can I have my phone back now?"

"No, Lisa," I stated simply.

"But why?" she whined.

"Your phone was taken away for two weeks for a reason and that was only one week ago. Need I say more?" I'm trying to keep my cool and respond calmly.

"It sounds to me like you don't even remember the reason, Mike, so it couldn't have been very important," Lisa replies flippantly.

"Are you kidding me with this right now?" I honestly can't believe this girl's gall.

"So can I have it back, or not?" Lisa foolishly ignores my warning by continuing to push her luck.

I stand up slowly and walk around to Lisa's side of the table.

"Stand up," I command.

"What? Why?" Lisa asks nervously.

"Stand up NOW!" I repeat louder and more sternly. When she stands, I firmly deliver five stinging swats to her bottom before she even has a chance to react. "You'll be lucky to get your phone back anytime soon. Now don't ask me again. Sit down and finish your breakfast."

Later that morning.

Mike's pov

"Go change," I sternly said to Carrie.

"Why?" she asked, seemingly rather annoyed by my request.

"You're not going out in pajamas," I stated.

"They're not pajamas." Carrie inexplicably decides to argue with me.

"Did you wear them to bed last night?" I ask, trying to prove my point and end this battle peacefully.

"Yeah, so?" Carrie replies rudely with attitude.

"Did you sleep in them?"

"Ugghh, yes. Why you wildin', Mike?" Carrie uncharacteristically allows her belligerent teenager persona to make an appearance.

"Then they're pajamas. Go change. NOW!" My patience has worn thin with this little tete a tete with my youngest.

"What's the big deal? Everyone goes out in pajamas, especially highschool and college students and we're just going to the grocery store. Who even gives a frick what I'm wearing?"

I grabbed her wrist, pulled her to my side, and smacked her backside hard five times.

"I care, Carrie Anne. Now quit arguing and GO!"

"UGGHHH!" Carrie rolls her eyes and stomps off to her room.

"Change your attitude while you're in there too," I yell after her.

Later that afternoon

Mike's pov

"You'll be home for dinner," I told Julie.

"Doubtful," she sassed.

"That wasn't a question, young lady." She just has to try my patience.

Whining, Julie asks, "Why do I need to be home for dinner anyway? You're so low key annoying all the time, I swear."

"Because we are eating together as a family tonight. Oh, and because I told you to be home and I don't need to provide any reason in the first place. When I tell you to do something, I expect it be done without hesitation, argument, or complaint. Do I make myself clear, Julie Elizabeth?"

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