School blues

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Stacey's pov

Come on, come on. I sit nervously tapping my foot and wringing my hands. The waiting is always the hardest part, well technically not the hardest part. The hardest part will be the severe ass whipping I'm going to receive. Still not the worst part though. I mean, the worst part is a toss up between the waiting and the dreaded look of disappointment from Shane or Mike. Shit, it was bad enough getting 'the look' from Dean Banfeld. 

Crap! I don't even know which one is going to show up. I don't even know which one I would want to show up. Who would be the lesser of two evils in this situation? I think Mike would be angrier but Shane would be more disappointed in my behavior. I just pray Dean Banfeld doesn't expel me. Damn zero tolerance policy.

Out of school suspension would be bad enough. Mike always warned us if we ever received an out of school suspension he would set a timer and spank us for ten minutes in the morning for each day we were out of school. I know that might not sound like much but trust me, ten straight minutes of getting your butt smacked is an eternity. I thought of the amount of damage that man could do to my posterior in that time frame and it made me shudder. I don't even want to think about what his punishment for expulsion would entail. Yikes.

I was quickly jolted out of my nightmare-envisioned scenario by the current scene unfolding before my eyes as the door to the office opened and in walked none other than...


WELL FUCK ME! Can this day get any better? I thought. God really does have a wicked sense of humor.

My two guardians strode into the office in their designer suits like they owned the place. The tailored cut accentuating their muscular toned physiques did not go unnoticed by the school secretary as she looked them up and down before shyly turning away, giggling in embarrassment once they noticed her not so subtle gaze.

GROSS! It was disgusting to me that women thought of them 'THAT WAY.' Ick! Like they're sexual beings. So nasty. No ma'am. It didn't help that they flirted mercilessly with the female staff here. Maybe it was because Julie and I spent a fair amount of time here being disciplined by the dean and they figured it couldn't hurt to be on their good side, or maybe it was because they were acutely and immodestly aware of the effect their good looks had on women. I'd say I prefer the former to the latter but that doesn't really put my cousin and I in a flattering light, so maybe there isn't a good reason to justify their flirtatious behavior.

After hanging up the phone, I hear the secretary say quite professionally, "Dean Banfeld will see you now, gentlemen," as she regains her composure and ushers them into his office. I practically gag though when she fans herself with a file folder after enjoying the view from behind as she watches them walk away.

Before walking into the dean's office, both Shane and Mike give me a cold disapproving look that causes me to hang my head in shame. I know I screwed up big time and I know my ass is going to pay the price. Approximately twenty agonizing minutes later, the three men emerge from the office. Mike and Shane thank Dean Banfeld for his time and say goodbye before turning their attention to me. I wish I could just shrivel up and disappear.

Mike walks past me and snaps, "Let's go."

I stand up and start to apologize but Shane abruptly cuts me off.

"Keep your bloody mouth shut, Stacey, until we give you permission to speak," he hisses in my ear, as he forcefully escorts me out of the school. Shane pushes me roughly into the backseat of Mike's car before slamming the door.

They're both so angry, I can practically see the steam coming out of their ears.

"BULLYING, Stacey? How could you do such a thing?" Shane turns and shouts at me from the front seat. He continues to glare at me. He's beyond furious.

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