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Stacey's pov

The next morning I went to Shane's room and obediently sat in the chair by his door at 7:00am on the dot. After ignoring me for five minutes while doing paperwork, Shane finally summoned me to his desk.

"Mike and I spoke on the phone last night about the best way to handle the remainder of your suspension and we've decided to forego your ten minute morning spanking today and tomorrow for a less intense punishment."

Shane has my undivided attention upon hearing the best possible news I could have imagined.

"You will not leave my sight for the next forty-eight hours except for a ten minute shower each morning and five minute bathroom breaks, which I'll allow every four hours. Today and tomorrow you will be spending the day with me at work where you will complete any and all tasks I or any other staff member assign to you. If at any point I or any other adult deem your attitude or behavior to be unacceptable, you will be spanked immediately. There will be no warnings, no second chances, and no leniency. Am I clear?"

Shane is all business right now so I know his edicts do not contain any wiggle room.

"Yes sir." I'm willing to agree to anything that keeps me from another two rounds of ten minutes of pain, courtesy of Shane.

"The only activity you will be allowed to do without asking my express permission first will be schoolwork. At night you'll sleep here in my room in a sleeping bag on the floor and your bedtime will be 7pm, not a minute later. Understood?"

"Uh, yes sir, I understand." I hesitated slightly before responding because I'm starting to think the ten minute spanking would be the less painful punishment, although my butt is killing me right now. The only reason I'm able to sit at all is thanks to a bottle of leftover Solarcaine from last summer's tanning sessions.

"You have ten minutes to shower, dress, and meet me in the parking lot before we leave for work. Get moving, Stacey," Shane commanded sternly.

Why do I have a feeling these are going to be the longest forty-eight hours of my life?

Shane's office at the Foundation

Stacey's pov

Unfortunately, there wasn't enough work to keep me busy at the Foundation so I spent the majority of my time alternating between pretending to study and sitting around doing nothing.

Shane caught on quickly to the fact that I wasn't using my time wisely and put a stop to it even quicker with ten harsh slaps to my bottom. After that, I spent the rest of my time in his office actually doing homework and reading the book currently assigned in my English class. Shane was kind enough to let me stand or lie on my stomach when I needed to give my sore backside a break from being sat upon.

Since Dr. Curtis was in Boston with Mike, the atmosphere at the Foundation was fairly stress-free and Shane remained relatively relaxed while I was there. We had a nice lunch together but afterward I became bored rather quickly just watching Shane work so I passed the time by asking him endless questions about anything and everything he was doing. Just prior to losing his patience and his sanity, Shane sent me to help out Mrs. Curtis with her administrative duties.

Mrs. Curtis didn't have a lot of work with her husband being out of town so we had some girl time while sipping tea instead. She's so easy to talk to. It was really nice to open up to her about my feelings regarding my suspension and Shane's punishment. The time passed so quickly, I couldn't believe it when Shane came in and said it was time to go home.

After dinner with my cousin and sisters, I grabbed my sleeping bag and followed Shane to his room. During my last bathroom break before bedtime, I reflected on my day while brushing my teeth and changing into pajamas.

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