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Julie's pov

I fear the worst as I step off the late bus and head into the Center, knowing either Shane, or Mike, or both have been informed of the punishment Dean Banfeld so skillfully administered this afternoon.  Luckily, Mike is an ocean away on another continent so I know I won't have to face him today. I walk through the front door, however, to find Shane angrily awaiting my arrival. He places his left hand over his mouth, narrows his eyes, and briefly shakes his head from side to side indicating his disbelief and disgust with my punishment inducing behavior.


Ouch, less than a minute in and I've already been, "young ladied."

"MY ROOM, NOW!" Shane shouts, as he roughly grabs my left arm and drags me to his room. He flings open his door and practically throws me into the chair in the corner. He's so upset, I can hear every loud exaggerated breath he takes.

"Care to explain to me why I received not one but two phone calls from the school today regarding your disobedient and disrespectful behavior?"

"Well, I was..." I try to explain, but Shane cuts me off.

"SERIOUSLY, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, JULIE?" Shane is pacing the floor and gesturing wildly, alternating between waving his hands in the air and placing them on his hips.

"We had an..." maybe now Shane will let me tell my side of the story.

"What exactly did you do, Julie, that warranted a paddling from the dean?"

No such luck. Shane interrupts me again.

"How can you be so irresponsible, Julie?"

I don't even bother opening my mouth at this point.

"I asked you a question, Julie, and I expect an answer."

I make the mistake of rolling my eyes, unaware that Shane is now staring directly at me, actually awaiting my response.

"Did you honestly have the gall to roll your eyes at me right now?" Shane yanks me out of the chair and delivers five sharp spanks to my behind as he stands me upright.

"Owww!" I reach back and rub my now stinging bottom. Shit, he spanks hard when he's upset and it doesn't help that it's on top of a recent paddling.

"It's not difficult to see why you're being punished at school for exhibiting disrespectful behavior when you act this way at home."

"ISN'T RESPECT SUPPOSED TO BE EARNED, SHANE? How can I possibly respect Mr. Kemp when he treats me so unfairly? He's a crude sexist bully. I HAVE ZERO RESPECT FOR THAT MAN," I say, getting all worked up. My cheeks are flushed and my pulse is racing as I think about how much I dislike Mr. Kemp.

"There's a difference between respecting a man or a woman and respecting their position of authority, Julie," Shane responds calmly, which surprises me. "I had a CO in the Navy who was not a decent human being. He definitely did not earn my respect as a man but he had my respect as my CO. The point I'm trying to make is that you don't have to respect Mr. Kemp as a man but you do have to respect his position as a teacher at your school and in that position he has authority over you. So let me tell you that every time you set foot in that building and interact with him, you are the student and he is the teacher and therefore he garners your respect. Understand?"

"Whatever, I guess so." I'm too stubborn to admit his argument is valid.

Shane has yet to let go of my left arm since he yanked me out of the chair and his grip is only getting tighter.

"Anyway, Dean Banfeld already punished me. So can't we just let this go?"

"Oh my gosh," Shane says, in utter shock. He releases his grip as he throws his arms up above his head and chuckles in disbelief at my apparently absurd request. "I CANNOT believe those words came out of your mouth right now." He's genuinely surprised. Shane shakes his head and pushes his suit coat back as his hands again return to his hips. "How many times have Mike and I told you girls that if you're in trouble at school, you're..."

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