Allergic To Your Love

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Hey, it's Y/N. Leave a message at the tone. Talk to you soon!

Demi pressed the red button on the screen and tossed the phone to the passenger seat, her hand hitting the steering wheel with a loud scream.

The events of the night coming back to bite her in the ass as she sat in this car, completely helpless and frustrated.

Her mind cursing herself as she watched you struggle to breathe. She could have denied or confirmed everything but instead she just let you automatically think the worse.

She loved you, more then life itself and maybe that's not healthy but all that mattered was you.

Flashback on

"You can't go out to the clubs and expect people to not talk or snap photos of you dancing on some girl!"

You shouted, one hand resting on your hip as you stared at Demi completely hurt and broken. The other in your hair, clenching some of it as you tried to not let everything hit a head.

"I wasn't even that close to her! I was two feet apart from her!"

She shouted as stood up from the kitchen table, kicking the chair behind her as she made her way to the front door.

"Apparently not two feet far enough Demetria! It started rumors that you are being unfaithful! Do you not see that!?"

You now scrolled through the phone, pulling up the picture that you had been tagged in countless times.

You showed it to Demi from where you stood, tears falling as you watched her study it. No emotion or remorse at all.

Her hand wrapped around the girl, a smile on the black haired girls face as she looked at Demi with loving eyes. Her hand resting on her lap. Something you did for the longest time. Demi shook her head and just let out a laugh,

"It's not even like that! We were talking and she scooted closer."

"That's not even explaining your hand around her Demi! Come on!" A whimper left your lips "That's not explaining her hand resting on your lap!"

For split a second, her eyes went from dark to hurt but back to dark as you opened your mouth again. Your words being the ticking time bomb that was gonna set this all off in one second

"Demi I love you. I love you so much and-"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes

"I'm leaving! I'm not doing this tonight. Stop being so jealous and just let me have one night of relaxation when I can spend the time with you!"

She stomped to the front door

"I can't even have one night of not arguing."

"Baby, please." You whimpered as you ran to grab her hand. "Don't leave, I'll stop."

You tried to reason with her. She jerked her hand from your grip, shaking her head.

"I gotta go."

You nodded, watching her.

"I'm sorry."

Flashback off

The last little pieces of your heart fell, watching this woman who you only wanted to make happy just end up angry at you. The most helpless feeling in the world.

The slam of the door rattled the house. Your legs went weak and you fell no longer able to stand up as you let out sobs and screams.

Rumors had been going around for so long, this same girl all the time and while you asked it was always you being jealous. It was always your fault for even asking and thinking that way.

All she had to do was deny the rumors, but only turned into a fight and it only made things worse when she was already distant enough.

You had sat there for hours by the front door, crawling little by little till you got there to lock it. Finding the strength to get up and head to the bedroom.

Curling into the blankets and letting out the cries that had been stored and saved in your body for weeks. Your phone dinged and you groaned but grabbed the phone, Demi's picture coming up as she called you.

While you normally answered, this time you ignored it. She was out of her mind and she didn't care, she never did. She would never see you cry, never cared enough to be there.

1 New Voicemail from Demi ❤️

Baby, I'm sorry. I overreacted, you just push me till I snap. I told you nothing was going on, why can't you trust me? I love you.

Each phone call being sent to your voicemail as you laid there, staring at the ceiling.

1 New Voicemail from Demi ❤️

Babe, answer the phone. Come on, I just wanna talk this out. Come on.

Demi had dialed and texted your number over and over again, each one going unanswered which only frustrated her more.

The frustration turning into worry as she sat in her car, parked at a restaurant just five miles away to calm down.

Hey, it's Y/N. Leave a message at the tone. Talk to you soon!

The last one causing her to start the car and head to your house, not caring about the speed or the possible speeding ticket that would be hell to pay off.

Demi ran to the front door, car still running but all that mattered was getting to you. She double checked for lights as she ran to that door, seeing none. She knocked, screaming your name.

Going unanswered again, she pounded a little louder as she yelled your name. Each one coming out as whimpers and sobs.

"Baby. Please."

The resolve to stay strong crumbling little by little as you listened to her fall apart, your name coming out of her mouth from broken sobs.

"Baby, please. Please answer the door."

It broke you, but you needed to stay strong.

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