The Truth

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Months had passed since the last picture you posted of you and Demi, the normal silly selfies and or random videos. The many ones the fans seemed to love so much had came to a stop.

Demi had even stopped liking photos of you that you posted. You knew why and he knew why, even her friends and family knew why. It had managed to stay out of the public eye, something you were grateful for.

Unfortunately, the fans were growing suspicious and asking questions on every single post you would make. Even asking why you hung out with Marissa but not Demi.

Demi hadn't said much on the issue, just stayed quiet. She never had been for social media unless it was to watch YouTube videos or get on Instagram to like a photo but that was it.

Plus Demi had never been one to out her problems like that, she wasn't that person. She just wrote them through her music. It's one of the reasons you fell so hard for her.

People were catching on it seemed like every single day. The hope of maybe this being let go of and you could heal in peace fading little by little.

You tried to keep your silence, tried to let ignore the many questions. Just, it was time to come clean. You owed that much, it had been over six months and you weren't crying over it anymore but you still had the heartache.

You still the had memories that seemed to replay like a movie over and over again. The way she laughed or how she would just move a single strand of your hair out of the way just so she could look into your eyes.

The random moments, where you would find an old t shirt of her and it still smelled like her. The cologne you loved so much. It bringing a wave of memories.

The photos that still sat on your phone, every now and again you would scroll through just to feel close to her again. Just to feel loved and wanted, but then to feel the wave of heartache again shortly after.

And maybe that's because you hadn't fully let it go. You still were constantly wondering why, even though you already knew why.

Then the guilt would eat up at you for even holding it all from your subscribers, the many people who helped you this far in this career.

So you had made the plan, when you get home from the errands. You would film a short video, quickly getting the whole entire thing over and done with.

So maybe for once, you could properly heal. Finally be able to move on and be able to let it all go. Finally be able to get rid of anything and everything that reminded you of her.

@Y/T/N: New video later today, turn on your notifications and be ready.

The many comments poured in, the many different ones you had gotten for awhile now.

'Are we getting answers finally!?'

'Notifications are on! I'm ready!'

'Let's do this thing!'

'I'm not ready for this, oh god'

The camera had been set up, the lights on and ready to go. You fixed your hair and grabbed a few different things to hold on to and squeeze just in case you broke down.

You had stared at the camera forever preparing yourself before finally starting.

"Hey guys, so I have been asked this over a thousand different times. Obviously by the title, you know what it is already. So I was waiting to do this video for a reason, not because I'm hiding anything like that. I just needed to heal some. Maybe this will be my healing. So uhm, lets get this started." You flashed a smile but it faded as you remembered the whole reason of this video.

"So I'm asked on a daily basis, if I'm still with Demi. The answer is no, we broke up over six months ago. I don't want to go into why or what happened. I just figured it was time to get the truth out and be honest." Your eyes flicked to the floor, feeling the tears come up and ready to flood out.

"I didn't mean to keep this from all of you, but I'm still healing. I'm still trying to figure out my life without her. I mean, I was with her for over three years. I'm just still trying to figure out me." You looked back up to the camera, wiping away the tears that fell down.

"It's just something that happened. It wasn't because she cheated or I cheated, or anything of that nature. I just miss her, like a lot."

"I still love her, I have so much love for her. I just, I feel bad for hiding this from you all but I hope you understand I needed time. As for the questions about Marissa, me and her grew very close. She has been there for me a lot, she is just my best friend and I don't know how Demi feels about it. I mean, I don't know." You shrugged, trying to play off the fact you hope she wasn't hurt over still being really close to her best friend.

She was hers before she was ever yours, but you were pretty sure if Demi had a problem, she would have said something already, she had never been one to hold in her feelings before when it came to people she knew.

The tears flooded down more as you sat there for a few minutes, fiddling with the necklace on your neck.

"Demi is a sweet girl, a really sweet girl. We're still friends and we talk every now and again. We just aren't like we used to be, but that's because it's hard for me anyway. I just can't be friends with someone who I love so much still. Who I want with me. She is my whole entire world despite us being split up, I still am so freaking in love with her. I mean this girl was my existence for the longest time."

You lifted your hand up, showing it to the camera at the fact you still had the engagement ring on.

"I can remember the day she gave this to me and I remember just being so amazed that this woman, this perfect person who could have anyone, wanted me. Me, a freaking YouTuber."
You laughed and wiped away the tears that now had to be smearing your eyeliner and mascara.

"I'm sorry that this video is absolutely all over the place, but we split up. It's just the answer, I don't know what to say. It's not really my place and it's something we agreed on." You nodded.

"If you are watching this Demi, I just want to say. I'm so proud of you for everything you have accomplished this far. I still keep an eye on everything you do. I'm still keeping my promise. I still love you." You flashed a smile.

"Maybe in the future, maybe we will have another chance to do this again and if not, then I hope whoever gets you knows how much of a gem you really are."

You had turned the camera off, grabbing it off its stand and making the way to your laptop. Getting ready to upload, not even caring to edit it.

The many different comments and views poured in, some being nice and apologetic. Pouring their hearts out to you and just saying sweet things.

'It's okay! Take your time, we understand'

'I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry'

Some being so not nice but you had expected this. It came with the territory of being with someone who was trying to make it in the music world.

It wasn't till Demi tweeted something, giving away she had watched the video. Giving away some sort of sign that she still had feelings too.

@ddlovato: I still think about you. I still see you in my dreams. I still love you.

@Y/T/N: You mean the world to me and I would still do it all over again if it meant being with you.

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