Set Up

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The phone dinged on the side table, César's name popping up. A last minute text that he was throwing a small get together and you were invited.

Another ding came through, the message reading 'you better come Y/N. No backing out, I know you'. Following the winky emoji beside it.

You scoffed and cursed César in your head, all you wanted to do was rest and chill back in the comfort of your own home. Maybe order some take out and watch a shitty romcom.

Normally, his thought process of doing these were to either mend relationships or even set one up. More or so a 'I'm a cupid' party. They always were a surprise and the victims never knew till it happened and were there.

Apart of you hoping it wasn't you this go around, you had broken up with this girl you had met on tinder over six months ago. It just wasn't going anywhere and it was an agreed thing, but apart of you missed having someone there to cuddle with or movie dates with.

You dragged your self up the stairway, grabbing a black tank top and a pair of jeans. You put your hair in a high pony tail, once satisfied you got in the car and made your way to this last minute get together.

Bodies upon bodies were gathered in the small house, more bodies then usual or were expecting. You looked around the room, hoping to cling to someone you at least recognized or even César.

"I'm thinking about dating again."

Demi admitted to César, the red solo cup clutched to her chest while her other hand rested on her hip.

"Maybe finding someone who could travel with us, maybe even help work some too."

César smiled and nodded his head, fully aware already that she was trying to find someone to date again. She had been making comments to everyone they knew. The sound of someone screaming filled the room, all heads turning to the direct sound.

"Watch it!" The guy yelled at you, you wiped off the little bit of beer that had spilled on your shirt.

"Y/N! Come here!"

César yelled at you, you looked up to him and flashed a smile.

You shuffled through the bodies to get him, pulling him into a hug once you got to him. He patted your lower back and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"Demi, Kelsey, Nick, This is Y/N." He smiled, pointing to each person as he said their name.

Nick made his way towards you to shake your hand, "No Nick, she is gay."

Nick's smile disappearing as he nodded and released your hand, causing you to laugh and then apologize for laughing.

"Demi, so uh. Y/N here, she likes a lot of the things you do."

He pulled Demi towards you, taking the spot she was standing in. She let out a nervous laugh, her nose clinking as she shook your hand.

"She also works from home, she edits music videos and photography. She's on her own schedule."

He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows as he nodded. You rolled your eyes and laughed, looking to the ground.

"I knew it."

The guys turned to face you, struggling to understand what was going on. You turned to face Demi, a smile on your face as you moved towards her to whisper in her ear.

"He is trying to set us up to date." She nodded and looked to César.

"So you're trying to get us to date?" César nodded and smiled, bringing the cup to his lips. He looked to the other side of the room,

"Oh look, dance battle."

You rolled your eyes and laughed, "Typical César."

"Oh yes, typical César." Demi answered back.

For hours, Demi and you had been talking. Occasionally leaning on each other and whispering in each other ear.

Some magical way, César's plan working as he stood on the other side of the room taking it all in. His 'I'm a cupid' party working.

The party started dying down, groups of people leaving or passing out on the other couches. Demi had grabbed your hand, while you both stood there talking.

"I, uh I gotta go but, uh do you have a phone number?"

She smiled as she wrapped her hand around your waist. You nodded and reached into the back pocket of your jeans, pulling out your phone to give to her.

She released your hand to type in her name and number, quickly snapping a photo of her kissing your lips before giving it back to you.

"I would definitely like to see you again, maybe an actual date where everyone aren't pressuring us to be together."

She pressed a kiss to your cheek and walked off. You shook your head and looked to César, raising a fist to signal you were gonna kick his ass when you got a chance.

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