Into You

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Her hands found their way to the back of your neck, pulling you into her lips. Making sure she was gentle but showed emotion from all the words she couldn't say, she failed to say.

"Demetria, are you okay? You're tossing a lot."
Demi's eyes shot open. Her head turning to the voice that spoke her name, the sound of your voice gone.

It was the female whom she picked out of the crowd, a female who she hoped would get you off her mind just for a little bit.

Demi groaned, running her a hand to hair as she shot up. Letting tears fall down as she felt like she betrayed you, not that it even mattered because they weren't even together.

"Demetria, are you okay?"

The voice spoke out again, her hand touching her leg. She jerked the hand away, rubbing the tears from her eyes.

"You can go." She spoke sternly, her back turned to the female.

Demi reached out to her phone, checking the time. She groaned and laid back down, turning to face the empty side of the bed. Her hand running along the pillow, imagining it was your face there.

Maybe in some hope that you felt it, that you were missing her like she was. That you felt a piece of your own self missing and you were struggling like she was to hang on. How she wasn't happy without you there beside her.

Her mind replaying the many times she laid in the bed beside you, snuggling into her for some comfort. The way her chest rised and fell, you were all she ever saw anymore in her dreams.

You were all she saw in the faces of the crowds now. You were the one she was searching for at the end of the night. She was empty and all that would make her feel whole was you, but she was sure you didn't feel the same way.

It had been three years since she had seen you last. You were due to be getting married then. She was trying to gain the courage to stop it, but failed once she remembered everything.

You were happy or at least that's how she saw it, you were in love. She didn't want to stand in the way of that, of your happiness. So she let you go, even avoided the wedding cause seeing you with someone was killing her.

The sound of banging filled the door, Demi groaned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She checked the clock and grabbed one of the long t shirts, quickly throwing it over her head.

She jerked the door open, Kelsey stood there a smile on her face and coffee from Starbucks in the other hand. She handed it to Demi and made her way into the hotel room.

"Good morning sunshine."

Kelsey took the empty space on the bed, moving the cover as she clasped her hand together.

"Yeah yeah."

Demi swatted her hand, taking the spot in the bed again. Moving the mess of hair that was in her face. She looked back to Kelsey, taking a sip of the coffee.

"So what do you want Kelsey?"

"You remember Y/N?"

She asked, a hint of a smile on her face as she watched Demi. Her whole entire body jerking up some. She raised an eyebrow, questioning her.

"I found out something about her, well I kinda knew already but I wanted to go see her and figured you wanted to go too."

She shook her head, waving her hands like a white flag.

"I'm not going to see her. I can't, plus she's married. It's not good for me."

"No Demetria, you're going. Trust me you want too."

Kelsey said sternly, "Now come on. Get dressed."

Demi groaned, "Fine."

She stood up and nodded, feeling like she had succeeded. She stopped at the doorway, "Oh and Demi?"


"You are gonna tell her you love her. It's been three years, it's time."

She made her way out the door, shutting it behind her making sure she couldn't protest against her words.

She wiped her hands on her jeans, the amount of sweat that was on them showing just how nervous she really was.

Kelsey knocked the door, her attention turned to Demi as she mouthed 'you are telling her Demi'. Demi nodded and looked down at the ground, feeling the moment feel up more.

The door swung open, you stopped in your tracks once you saw them. Kelsey stood there, a smile on her face as she waited for you to even say something.

Your eyes looked over to the woman who holds your heart, who was clueless to it. You took her in, the brunette hair gone and was now blonde.

"Hi. Uhm. I'm sorry, come in." You spoke, you moved out of the way and let them in.

You stood there in the hallway, taking deep breaths as you watched Demi look around. She was studying the house.

Just like that you felt your whole entire world crumble, "I'm sorry but what are you guys doing here?"

You moved into the living room, hands on your hips. You tried to hold back coming off rude but it was too late. You felt everything hit as you remembered the last time you saw Demi.

Kelsey smiled and looked towards Demi. Demi stood there silently. Her hands clasped together, shaking as she studied you. Her eyes checking to see if a ring was on your finger.

A sense of relief hitting her once she spotted the ring gone, her mind talking herself up as she looked up to your eyes. She felt herself began to melt as you looked into her eyes.

"Demi, tell her."

Demi nodded and cleared her throat, "I uh. I love you."

You raised an eyebrow, laughing a little.
Kelsey taking in your thoughts of it, "No listen, please. She is in love with you Y/N. She isn't lying."

You looked to Demi, brows furrowed as you watched her take another deep breath. Her hand going into her hair and nose scrunching up as she looked to the ground and back to you.

"I'm in love with you."

"I uh."

You were in shock, you were looking in between the both of them. Waiting for this joke to be over, this was Demi. There was no way she loved you, much less was in love with you.

You remembered the countless times from when you were in high school, the countless times you cuddled with her. The countless times you found yourself close to telling her, but stopping because there was no way she loved you.

Kelsey signaled Demi to you. Demi nodded and moved to you, her hands finding their way to your face as she moved you closer to her slowly.

The tension building up, her lips found yours. Just like in her dream, the kiss was all that and so much more. The realization finally hitting it was coming true.

"I love you Y/N. I'm in love with you, I have been for years."

You nodded, "Okay."

You pulled her face back to yours, lips connecting back to hers.

"About damn time! Shit!"

Kelsey yelled in the background, her hands clapping.

"About damn time."

You both spoke as you held each there, catching up for lost time.

Demi Lovato Imagines /One Shots Where stories live. Discover now