I Like Me Better When I'm With You

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Demi took a seat in the empty chair, shuffling around to get comfortable as the interviewer made sure she was ready and comfortable. She messed around with her hair making sure it was in a simple but messy bun.

A few of the crew members checking the mics and cameras, making sure they were all running smoothly. Last thing they needed was for it to be having problems.

The last few nights being more difficult for her then it should have been, she was missing you incredibly. These tours never seemed to get any easier, the only thing that seemed to make it easier was when she went on the stage. That only seemed to solve it for at least four hours at a time.

The other thing that was bothering her was today would mark four years of her being with you. It would also make the very first time she wouldn't be home with you to celebrate.

She had spent half of the night last night making sure a dozen roses would be sent to your work and to the home you both shared, making sure to even make special post on twitter and instagram for you.

All while making sure to send you tons of text messages apologizing for having to miss it all, but making sure to tell you how much you meant to her and how you were so appreciated.

It wasn't the same as being there, having every single candle lit in the house. The smell of vanilla and lavender lingering in the room along with some makeout sessions to one of your favorite disney movies.

Once she was ready, she nodded to the camera man signaling to go ahead and start. She held the microphone in her hand, eyes focused on the interviewer as they asked the usual questions to start.

You felt the knots in your stomach as you neared the building that would hold your girlfriend's interview. Your hands clutched the roses as you made sure that they didn't get tossed around in this cab.

The whole ride you had constantly checked everything ten times over. Your hair, makeup, clothes. This was like meeting again for the first at your first date.

Once the building appeared in the distance, you felt the excitement rise and rise. You counted down the mere minutes as you grabbed the items you brought with and placed them in your back pockets.

You made your way into the building and leaned up against the door frame, peaking into the door to see your girlfriend in the chair. Her back faced towards you. Her blonde hair in a bun and her favorite black shirt on.

Her hands on the chair, knuckles white as she held on to them. Her brow furrowed as she focused on the interviewer. Smiling and nodding some to show she hadn't completely dazed out.The interviewer flashed a smile and looked into the camera before looking back to Demi

"So from your posts on instagram and twitter, today is your four year anniversary with Y/N. First off, congratulations!"

Demi flashed a smile and her nose scrunched up, a sense of pride coming off of her some too as she felt more accomplishment besides her career,

"Thank you so much."

Her cheeks turned to pink some as her hand went to her lips, trying to hide the wide smile before completely readjusting some and fidgeting in her seat.

"You are so welcome. Is there anything more for the future you have planned?" The interviewer asked.

Demi laughed and looked down at the ground quickly looking back up, nodding her head.

"There is, but I know she watches these interviews so I can't say anything but I can say she is my whole entire world and she just is the most amazing person."

"You guys are seriously the cutest couple ever."

Demi began to do her little dance, one that she had always done when she was happy or excited about something.

One of the many things you loved about her, one of the things that brought such joy into your life and a thing that always seemed to be both yours , cause whenever she did that you did it with her.

"So, we have set up a small surprise for you Demi. I figured it would be a nice thing to help celebrate four years for the both of you."

Demi smiled and then furrowed her brows, but going to dance again. Moving her head some with the dance.The interviewer shifted in the seat some, looking towards you and signaling you to come in while Demi was distracted.

"Come on in with the surprise."

You took the signal and walked into the room, standing to the side. Demi continued to do her dance. Her head turning to the side for a split second catching you, the smile fading as she just blinked a couple times making sure it was real.


You spoke, holding the roses out to her. Her eyes went down to the roses and back up to you, she grabbed them out of your hand and ran to you. Kissing you all over before her lips met yours.

"How are you here right now?" She asked in between kisses.

"Well, they actually arranged it. I guess they had been keeping up with our relationship."

You laughed as you pulled her in for a hug, holding her there as she swayed you both back and forth. Her head nuzzled into your neck, resting it there.

Demi let go of you and took her seat back, patting her lap for you to sit down as her hands wrapped around your waist.

"Well you guys that's all for this interview with Demi Lovato, thank you for turning in and stay turned next week."

Demi's hand stayed locked in yours as you both laid down in the hotel bed, your head resting on her chest. Her free hand running up and down your arm.

The sound of her heartbeat slowly putting you to sleep, she looked down to see you sleeping peacefully. Your chest rising and falling, she pressed a kiss to your forehead and fell asleep herself.

Demi Lovato Imagines /One Shots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora