Tissues and sour candy

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Your apartment keys jingled loudly as you turned the lock in the door, balancing a huge paper bag of groceries in one hand, you thought of how your key chain had at least a dozen different keys but you were pretty sure you only use three of them on a regular basis, and there were about six that you had no idea what secret doorways they unlocked.

You had left home earlier this morning worrying slightly about your poor girlfriend, who had a pretty bad case of the flu and a show scheduled for the night.

It was safe to say your mind had been in a totally different place this morning, you're not sure where, but it definitely wasn't your office. One of the great things of being the boss at work: you don't get told off for slacking off every once in a while.

Another perk was the fact that you could finish early whenever you felt like it, and today was one of those days. As you packed up your things and gave your assistant a half hearted apology and some small jobs for her to finish up, your phone had rang loudly, a familiar name flashing on the screen.

Demi's manager had called to let you know that she had gotten worse throughout the morning, so they were canceling the performance and driving her home immediately so she could get some rest.

To be honest you had never been the biggest fan of the guy, but you politely thanked him anyway and told him to let your girlfriend know that you were on your way home.

Being the responsible adult your peers expected you to be, you stopped at a supermarket on the way, filling your basket with fresh groceries and a scary amount of unhealthy snacks.

While scanning your items at an incredibly slow rate, the young cashier seemed to keep staring at you with a judging look.

"What? I have five children, a demanding job and a needy husband, it is vital for me to keep my sugar levels high."

You had repressed the child inside of you and swallowed the burning desire of pointing your tongue at the boy while handing him the cash.
You almost fell into your apartment as the door unlocked suddenly, a tomato falling out of the heavy bag.

"Hey babe? I'm home and I come with food!"

Your words were met with a loud sneeze coming from the living room. Leaving the groceries on the kitchen counter, you made your way towards the couch, noticing an old episode of one of your favorite crime shows was playing on the large flat screen tv your had recently bought.

A raspy whine coming from behind you almost gave you heart attack as you jumped ten feet in the air, a cracking laugh following the scene.

You turned around to notice Demi's head popping out of her favorite cream duvet, her red nose contrasting with her skin, her dry lips parted as she tried breathing through her mouth, dark circles under her usually bright eyes and raven hair in a really messy bun that resembled a birds nest on the top of her head.

"Jeez, you look terrible."

The girl just grunted in annoyance and at lightning speed threw a tissue at you from under the big blanket.

You scrunched your eyebrows at her before taking your shoes off and placing a soft kiss on her warm forehead.

"Don't, you'll just get ill baby."

She pulled away and looked at you with her sweet, sweet eyes. You sighed loudly and scratched your head in thought. You moved back to the kitchen to unpack the groceries and put everything in its place. You joined the pretty girl on the couch after putting on a pair of comfy sweats and grabbing some snacks.

Making yourself comfortable underneath the duvet you cuddled up to the older girl, before passing her a packet of her favorite sour candy. You stared at the television while munching on a chocolate bar,

"So, I bought real food, because I was checking online what people with the flu should eat and it just recommended homemade food, so you know I'm not the best cook but I'll try my best to make whatever you feel like."

You slipped your hand on Demi's thigh and gave it a light squeeze as you felt her eyes staring at you from the side

"And I rented The Notebook for us to watch, oh and if you don't feel like me cooking is a good idea we could just order delivery, Dean from marketing was telling me about this new italian restaurant that opened..."

Your rambling got cut off as soft fingers delicately grabbed your chin and you found yourself staring directly into your favorite pair of eyes, a recognizable twinkle in them.

"How is it possible that after all this time, you still find a way to make me love you more every day that passes."

Your heart started doing backflips in your chest at her words, "Please let me kiss you."

"Just a quick one baby." A shy smile made its way onto her pretty face.

Your soft lips were pressed against her own in a second, trying to put all of your love for her in the intimate gesture that ended way to soon for your liking but left you with a sweet feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Demi pulled away and immediately started coughing like a fifty year old smoker,

"Ew, you are the worst princess."

She weakly hit your arm in response before getting closer to you once more, her hands resting on your thigh, she pressed a light kiss on your pulse point that made your stomach churn before bringing her lips to your ear

"We're definitely ordering delivery by the way."

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