Sugar Plum

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"C'mon baby come over. I miss you", she said in a whiny voice. You looked at the clock on your nightstand and sighed. It was getting late and you know you shouldn't be going out.

"I already saw you today," you replied, contemplating whether you could refuse her request. You could hear shuffling as you waited for her to say something.

"Baby I want to see you again I can't go to sleep otherwise". You rolled your eyes at her dumb excuse and threw your comfy bed sheets off your body and headed down the stairs. Before you put on your shoes you asked her

"what's in it for me?"

"Hmmm" she said questionably before saying quickly, "you're just gonna have to wait until you get here to find out suga plum".

"Did you just call me sugar plum. I'm seriously considering getting back into bed" You resisted giggling as she apologized a few times in a worried tone.

It eventually got silent before you were out the front door quietly and walking a short walk to her house.

"You better have your cute face ready outside when I get there."

"Yes ma'am"

You quickly skipped over to her house in a short five minutes and from a distance you could see her frame sleepily standing against her house on the front porch. Her hands in her pockets and her hair messy but she had a smile that you couldn't take your eyes off of.

The street light across her house left a yellow glow on her tired face as she stepped off the porch to the driveway to meet you. You pecked her lips and wrapped your arms around her neck wanting to feel her warm embrace on this somewhat windy summer night.

You saw her hands still in her pockets so you took the liberty of reaching down and putting them around your waist. Her hands gave you a comforting feeling as they gained a grip on you.

"That's better" You wrapped your arms back around her neck as she swooped in for another kiss. You didn't argue as her lips went over yours making you feel so warm and happy.

"That doesn't get old baby". You gave her a toothed smile before chuckling and burying your head onto her shoulder.

"Was it really worth me coming all the way over here" you said in her ear as she caressed your back slowly. Rocking back and forth.

"See you for just a second could make anyone's day better" You gave her a kiss on the cheek to respond to the compliment and combed your hands through her hair as you sensed her yawning as the minutes went by.

"I gotta go back home sleepy girl" You separated and took a step back so she couldn't pull you back in. She nodded and kissed you one more time for a long time.

"I'll see you tomorrow". You nodded "And the next day, and the next day!!" as you waved goodbye she kept talking as if she would lose you.

"I love you sugar plum!" She said with a smirk and a laugh as you walked away waving with a hand but not bothering to look at that cocky face of hers.

When you got home you finally fell into bed even more tired than before. You checked your phone one last time and saw a Snapchat from Demi. It was her in bed with her eyes closed and a smile and the caption just said 'love u forever and always 💖'

Demi Lovato Imagines /One Shots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz