Chapter 46 A Birthday that Full of Smiles

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MDZS Fanfic

Red Strings of Connections

ARC 3 Chapter 46

A Birthday that Full of Smiles

In the middle of broad daylight, various customers were gathering inside a restaurant, drinking alcohol, eating various dishes, and gossiping many things. Soon the talks landed on specific gathering of cultivators in a certain wealthy sect.

"Hey, have you seen the swarm of cultivators from different sects?"

"Of course! Only blind won't see them!"

"But why are they gathering? Where are they going?"

"Aiya! Don't you know? Today is Sect Leader Jin's son's second birthday!"

"And the cultivator sects that coming in are all from prominent sects, like: Nie Clan, Wen Clan, Jiang Clan, Lan Clan and of course the Zhuque Sect!"

"Shit! The Jin Clan really able to bring those in his son's celebration!"

"Oh you! Are you living under the rock? The Jin Clan has been in good relationship with these clans for a long time now! The Zhuque Sect's Radiant Sun Lord is his sworn brother too!"

"It's not just him, but also Moonlight Butterfly, Fierce Doctor, Lord of Phantoms, Gentle Cloud Lord, and Lord of Fierce Fist as well!"

"Other than that, he was also blood related brother of Moon Hammer Lord and Golden Knowledge Lord!"

"Such a feat!"

"Aiyaa! Not just that, from what I heard, he made them all his son's godparents!"

"But hey, it is true? Sect Leader Jin used those prominent clans to get his hand on the position?"

"It wasn't like young lad! From what I heard, it's those clans that uses Jin Zixuan to erase Jin Guangshan!"

"You mean... he was like their puppet in Jin Clan?"

"You got it right!"

"No! All of you are wrong morons!" the waitress who brought their food, slam down the dishes to their table.

"Why is that?!"

"Here's the truth! Jin Guangshan done horrible things to Zhuque Sect and the other sects and Madam Jin and current Sect Leader, Jin Zixuan could no longer tolerate his depravity, and so everyone join hands to punish Jin Guangshan! No one use the other! They all have good relationship because they understand each other! Stop listening to stupid rumors!"

"But who would spread such a twisted story if they are not real?!"

"Aiyaa, someone has been living under a rock huh. Of course, those who envied them, who else! There are so many of them you know. Have you never heard of what happened during the Mt. Baifeng's Hunting Event? Hundreds of cultivators from different sects, led by a Jin disciple have confronted the Zhuque Sect because they are taking thirty percent of prey, while they couldn't complain to the highest hunter! The Zhuque Sect's strongest and well-known disciples quit the hunting after this confrontation to give way to these complaining disciples, in the end, even with their number they couldn't even take down ten percent of prey! While the remaining disciples of Zhuque Sects took down sixty percent, while the Jiang Clan has forty, while the Nie Clan with Nie Mingjue has sixty before he quitted too, add to it is Second Young Master Nie Huaisang's achievement of forty!"

"But why the young master of Nie quitted as well?"

"He said he no longer interested, because those who quitted from Zhuque Sect were the ones he really wants to compete."

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