Chapter 21 Sound of Chenqing

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MDZS Fanfic

Red Strings of Connections

Chapter 21 Sound of Chenqing

Within the quiet and peaceful night at Zhuque Sect, the youngest in the sect siblings, Li Yang is silently striding the halls of the House of Jing. The child looks all sleepy—or better to say his mind is still in dreamland, his feet that walking of their own soon halted in front of the research laboratory chamber which forbidden for the kids to enter.

This chamber contains the Yin Iron, the iron stone that Wei Ying and Tiao Reinshun retrieved after their fight against the Peri. Of course, the chamber has several layers of barriers made by the Zhuque Sect's barrier expert: Li Fangzhun, and these barriers are so strong that only Cangse Sanren could destroy.

If it is the case, then...

How did Li Yang able to pass the ten layers of barriers without hitch?

Upon entering series of black smoke things comes where the child is standing, and as if guiding him towards to a table with another bunch of barriers is manifested; inside these transparent barriers is the Yin Iron fidgeting and seating more and darker smokes, that look all sinister.

Li Yang who is not on himself, extended his hands, again the barriers that supposedly keep anything and anyone away has become useless, letting the child to touch the thing within its protection.

With Li Yang's abundant Yang Energy, the Yin Energy inside gains their freedom.

The earth trembles, the Yin Energy celebrated above the House of Jing, as series of screams from younger disciples, and ordinary human servants fills the whole house.

The cultivators that awaken from this havoc, especially those whose near the House of Jing rush to the source of trouble, and there in their shock found Li Yang being taken over by Yin Energy.

Li Yang's gray eyes changes into bright red, Yin Iron in his small hands, with wide toothy grin which they all find creepy and hair raising. The Yin Energy or the black smokes that guided the child are coiling on his body, dancing in slow beat.

The current people that are present at that time are: Li Fangzhun, Tiao Reinshun, Myo Qing, Myo Ning, Cong Zhuiliu, Mo Yu and Meng Yao.

Immediately, after a single look on the situation, even there are many questions running on his head, Li Fangzhun sets up barriers around Li Yang to prevents the Yin Energy to go further within the havoc. Within this ear screeching noise of raging bunch of energy, Li Fangzhun asked the children to do something to save Li Yang.

But no one knows what should be done.

They cannot even get near to their brother because of the mini typhoon composing of those inhumane, unclean, black smoky Yin Energy that centering Li Yang. This energy that created the mini typhoon are the ones that doing trouble within the House of Jing that solely came back to fight the cultivator that stopping their companions from going out.

Amidst their jumble minds, someone cool and lax came in the chamber, stood in front of the bunch of raging Yin Energy, and with knitted eyebrows take out a charcoal black flute with red tassel. The person blew air on it, and the flute let out a beautiful, soothing sound—music that unknown to everyone.

Tiao Reinshun quickly recognizes the person as her 'partner in crime'—according to the second Jade of Lan Clan.

Wei Ying plays the flute all calm, with no trace of panic within him.

Time passes—it wasn't long, just short while before the Yin Energy started to dissipate in the air, until finally gone, freeing the poor child, but only inside the barriers.

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