Chapter 07: Having You is Enough

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MDZS Fanfic

Red Strings of Connections

Chapter 07 Having You is Enough

Wei Ying is not hesitating to show how amazed he is at the sight of lively beautiful town of Caiyi.

A peaceful town full of many variations, and unlike on other towns that blasting in noises, the Caiyi is real peaceful and silent sanctuary. Even during arguing of some folks, no one really raising their voices.

Seems like this town has adopted the GusuLan's golden three thousand rules.

"Is this your first time here Brother Ying?" Tiao Shun asks, as she is stepping up from behind the young master.

"Yeah, we tend to come in Gusu but never once here in Caiyi."

"Is that so?"

Wei Ying nodded, "Did you come here before Sister Shun?"

"Many times. Every time Sect Leader Zhu and father have business nearby, they're always bringing me here, even the last time."

"Hm? But since the first time I visited Cloud Recesses, I never once come here."

"That's just because you preferred to be with Second Young Master Lan, every single time you've run into him. You really like him."

"Who doesn't?"

Tiao Shun didn't answer and just gives her brother a side-glance. She cannot just go and expose the truth that Lan Zhan isn't really likable, and other than him, and Lan Clan, no one actually like the Second Young Master. At least Tiao Shun could tell that no one dislike him.

Tiao Shun breathe out the air she been subconsciously hold.

Wei Ying just tilts his head, curious but not that much that he just drops it.

"It'll be nice if we could bring Lan Zhan here too!"

"You should have invited him."

"Yeah, but we only escape, we'll be surely getting scold later, and I don't want Lan Zhan to get scold as well, especially if it's because of me."

"I heard that their punishment is quite sever, with whips using their human's height ruler."

"I heard it too from Lan Zhan, and leaving Gusu without permission is forbidden!"

"All sects has that rule, I guess." Tiao Shun whisper silently on her self. "Well... then you only could wish for miracle that Second Young Master Lan would show up here via coincidence."

"Yeah..." this low saddening answer from her sect brother makes Tiao Shun cough silently.

'He really like him too much!' Secretly smiling, sensing something from him that now she actually wanted to see some scene from this two.

Wei Ying stops walking and stares at distance for a while, until smile spread across his face, then in Tiao Shun's shock Wei Ying runs. She's about to call him but stop herself from doing so after seeing the reason for his sudden outburst.

'For real...?' As if someone heard them and grants the wish through capriciousness, Lan Zhan actually shows up in Caiyi town, together with his older brother, Lan Huan.

Tiao Shun went to them and greets the brothers from Lan Clan, which both Lan Young Masters have return with same gestures.

Lan Huan, "May we know why are you two here?"

"Ah... ummm... that's..."

"Just enjoying the beautiful town of Caiyi." Tiao Shun answers, saving their asses. "What about the Young Masters?"

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