Chapter 12 Crawl Out from Hellhole

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MDZS Fanfic

Red Strings of Connections

Chapter 12 Crawl Out from Hellhole

A hell in earth.

Giving nothing but suffering and pain.

The young boy thought when his father took him to bring in his sect he would have a better life, where no one will beat him for the sake of stress relief, or accuse him of something he never done, and would be able to pursue cultivation properly.

But for three years staying in Jinlintai the young boy only suffer in hands of his co-disciples and worst from his own father.

The young boy felt all dirty, that no matter how much he scrubs his body the filthy memories and lingering touches never gets clean.

Every time, every single time he would plead to the sect leader to stop while moving inside him fiercely, Jin Guangshan never once hear his plead, never once spare him.

The young boy only suffers in the place that everyone claimed to be a paradise.

A paradise that is actually a hell.

No one tries to hear his voice, never once did Jin Guangshan stop touching him.

Finally after three years of suffering in Jinlintai, the young boy have decided to escape, but rumors travels much faster than a twelve year old child, that upon reaching his hometown, his relatives already hear something from Jinlintai and starts accusing him of being a failure, and becoming a cut-sleeve, to the point they accused him of seducing Jin Guangshan, that he was actually got kick out instead.

He hides in the forest nearby, afraid to meet anyone, afraid of his horrible memories, afraid of everything.

He was starving but he has nothing to eat unless he goes night hunt but that totally impossible as he never even once holds a weapon much more hunting. He starts eating grasses and dirt but of course this is not good for the health, that soon causes him pains all over his body, more specifically through his stomach.

He soon collapsed, thinking it is much better to die than live in such a world where he is alone, he welcomes it, and he died right after hearing feats of panics voices near him.

He opened his eyes and found himself sleeping on a soft bed, and bright ceiling meeting him, he is inside of an extravagant room, which brought another terrible memory. He began shouting, tossing around, asking for help.

To his shock someone calls him out of his nightmare. A girl with beauty mark under her left eye, wearing black robe with red edges, holding his hands, and brushing it trying to sooth his pain.

He feels her kindness through her touch that he cries while staring at the kind lady, his mouth was opening and closing as if he wants to tell something, but no words are coming out.

The lady brushes her hand on his cheek gently hoping it would calm him down, reassuring him that he was safe.

Due to exhaustion the young boy fell asleep again.

He wakes up once again, on the same room, but the girl has no longer next to him, although sooner than he expected he found her sitting not far away from him, back facing him, and it's like there's another person which she is talking with.

The lad that talking with the lady found the young boy awake and lightly tap the table using his hand. Automatically the lady turns her attention to the one in bed and smiles as she stands up and walk towards him, then sit on the edge of his bed.

She asks if he wants to eat first before anything else, right on timing the food came in.

With help from her the young boy sits up at the same time his stomach growl in hunger which makes him blush, the lady smiles and invites him to eat with them.

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