Chapter 03 [Part 01]

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MDZS Fanfic

Red Strings of Connections

Chapter 03 New Home [Part 01]

Two years. It's been two years since Wei Ying was found and was brought into ZhuQue Sect which has become his new home.

Wei Ying is undoubtedly happy and content, they are all nice to him and would tell tales about his mom and a little bit about his dad. Truth has been told to him that his parents' marriage is actually a big shock to all of them, that is according mostly by Tiao LiuJuan.

Today, XingXiu CaiPi has business at the foot of Dafan Mountain, so the Sect Leader along with Ko Shun'U, O Dokun, Tiao LiuJuan and Wei Ying came there together.

Since it's not a dangerous business, they allowed Wei Ying to come.

Sect Leader Zhu, "A--Ying, we will be out for a moment, promise me that you'll behave."

Wei Ying grins, "I'll try!"

For two years and having Tiao LiuJuan as his caretaker and a certain Madam's guidance, Wei Ying real nature has come out, expectedly. The quiet and serious sect turns upside down when Wei Ying starts coming up with many pranks to the Heads.

At first they will scolding him for pranking them but eventually they just enjoys it, that their day wouldn't be consider complete if they're not getting targeted by the Young Master.

Wei Ying is always, always, always, always, always, always get in trouble but in the end a bright smile could ease it all.

'I'll try' isn't a right answer and it should be either 'Yes' or 'I will', Wei Ying knew that, but knowing how similar the young master to his mother, none of the adults question him, moreover they are gladder that this is his response.

Wei Ying's grin gone when he received a gentle pat on his head.

The man's gentle smile and his big hand over the child's head reminds him of his father that he smiles and promise to himself that he will really try to behave, just this one time... for sure.

Wei Ying was left behind with Tiao LiuJuan on a restaurant.

It's quite a busy street; vendors shouting, calling for any potential customers, couriers running around either with carts or carrying the goods in their shoulders, busy madams talking any kind of gossips, and people looking for something or just anything.

Wei Ying watches this play out in front of him, and in his pure honest opinion it's very boring that he is itching for mischief but—but he did swear he will behave this time. So, he suck it up, which also resulted into pout.

Tiao LiuJuan suppress himself to laugh at how the young master doing his best.

In the midst of this boring landscape someone caught Wei Ying's attention; a young kid that maybe a year or two youngers than him that going around pleading, clinging on people but in the end got kicked.

These reminds him of his life in the street, so without any hesitation he left his uncle and run towards the other child. He helps him to stand and guided him where his uncle.

The kid is so timid and tend to stutter on his words which gives a little trouble to Tiao LiuJuan as he trying to listen on his problem.

"I'm A-Ning," the child gives his salutation, "I'm searching for a doctor."

"Why would you need a doctor?"

"My Granny is very sick, we don't have any doctor, but no one wants to come on our village."

Tiao LiuJuan, "Where is your house?"

A--Ning points the top of the Dafan Mountain, "Are you serious?" A-Ning nodded. "But the only ones that living at the Dafan Mountain top are the DafanWens." Tiao LiuJuan looks at the child, "What is your full name?"

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