Chapter 20 Relaxing Days

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MDZS Fanfic

Red Strings of Connections

Chapter 20 Relaxing Days

Resting under the Willow tree is Tiao Reinshun closed eyes, back leaning on the trunk, feeling the gentle breeze and enjoying the silence.

It's been almost a year since Wei Ying went to Celestial Mountain for seclusion. Everyone is shocked and anxious when Cangse Sanren came back alone, they all immediately thought that something might have happened, but before they could go into hysterical feat their sect leader clears that her master have Wei Ying stay at her mountain as she has something to teach him. Hearing this everyone felt relief.

The news of Wei Ying being in seclusion although the location was kept as a secret, spreads to allied sects, at first, they're all keep demanding Wei Ying's location if he is not in Zhuque sect, especially the Lans, but the Zhuque sect members ensures his safety and smiles thanking them for concern.

Tiao Reinshun once visited Lan Zhan and to make him relief out of worrying Wei Ying's, she told him alone the location, that he didn't have to worry at all.

Only two months left before Wei Ying's comeback.

During Tiao Reinshun peaceful rest someone stood next to her, so she opens her eyes and looks at the person.

Looking down at her with smile is Mo Yu, who sit next to her after confirming her wake. He leans his back on the tree, but then stiffen when Tiao Reinshun let her head fell down at his shoulder.

She asked him with soothing voice to relax, so he does; and both went quiet and continue enjoying the peace.


"Are you two sure?" O Dokun ask, concern. Xingxiu Caipi and his wife Houki nodded after looking at each other. "I didn't mean to come out disagreeing, I actually relief that you two are willing to accept him despite that "he" is Jin Guangshan's son... and Jin Guangshan is..."

Xingxiu Caipi smile, "We already talked this through, and we both really want him. He is also Jin Guangshan's victim, and I thought that if there's anyone who must raise him, it will be us. We lose our son without even have a chance to hold him because of Jin Guangshan. While that child suffered so much for three years, his mother abandoned him, his relatives in his mother's side kicked him, and suffer at the hands of Jin Clan. We like to stand at his side as his parents that he could trust and love, and we like him to be our son, not to fill the place of our son but as our real son that we would love to the extendable limit."

"After I heard that they decided to stay here, the urge to have him as son lit a flame on us that we want to do the adoption right away. But to think it took almost three years to finish everything."

"Unlike you who quickly settled it."

"Not compare mine, not compare! I didn't make him my son; he is more like a nephew. I just give to him and to his mother my surname, like Juan have done."

"Hmmm... Why not just marry his mom?"

O Dokun only smile awkwardly in response.

He didn't want to marry yet, that's all.

Nothing more, nothing less.


Ko Shun'U wouldn't stop laughing, and he have been like this for a half an hour now. Myo Juan, who is reading his scroll and Li Fangzhun, that skimming on the paperworks on his desk, long give up minding this hysterical laughter.

Although, there are moment of second which they couldn't help but snicker together with him, but as soon as they realize it, they quickly stop and refocus on their works.

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