Chapter 03 [Part 02]

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MDZS Fanfic

Red Strings of Connections

Chapter 03 New Home [Part 02]

Walking on the hallways of his infamous Nightless City castle, Wen RuoHan posed himself as someone with full dignity and pride. Everyone who he is passing would bow their heads, giving their respect to him.

Today is one of peaceful days in his castle, no issue within the sect or the other branch. No abnormalities—no abnormalities? Then what a child doing on his castle? More importantly this is the first time he saw this child and yet why? Why he is so look familiar? That's odd.

Wen RuoHan halted just at the front of the child, he didn't fail to notice his familiar clothing, and that familiar red and yellow tassel that hanging on his waist.

'A kid from ZhuQue Sect?'

As finally the boy noticed the other, he turns and found other's legs, so he turns his head up and found the face of the stranger.

Wen RuoHan narrows his eyes, inspecting the child's appearance, indeed he looks familiar. He resembles to someone that close to Wen's Sect Leader's heart.

'Ah~ her. The stupid, annoying meddlesome woman.' despite the insult his brain has process, kind smile could be seen at him.

The boy blinks, still staring at him, wondering why he is smiling so endearingly.

Wen RuoHan, who have been curious at the boy, crouch down to meet the boy's eyes level. Quickly, as if a lightning strikes at him, the boy with graceful movements gave him his respect, despite not knowing who the Master is.

"May I know what your name is, Young Master from ZhuQue Sect?"

The boy smile, "Oh Esteemed Master, this humble disciple is called Wei Ying."

"Wei Ying, are you not son of any heads in your sect?"

"No, at least not yet is my uncles have claimed."

"Not yet? So, I still have a chance."

Wei Ying tilts his head in confusion and curiosity.

Chance? What chance Wen RuoHan was talking about?

It is he wanted to adopt Wei Ying as his son.

But why? Is Wen RuoHan doesn't have a child?

Wen RuoHan actually wish he doesn't have, but unfortunately he was cursed by two sons. Both his sons are idiots to the core, and recently his oldest has started to get life threats. He needed a proper heir, and he thinks he can teach Wei Ying to become one as the child has already have good manners and a smile that can par with the sun.

"Oh! So, why Young Master Wei is here?"

"I'm here to ask the Sect Leader Wen if I can adopt Wen Qing, Wen Ning and grandpas and grannies, and elder sisters and elder brothers!"

"The Dafans? But why would you want to adopt them?"

"Because... I felt bad for them, living in the mountain where monsters that eating humans were also living, also! Also... also—when they needed something they have to travel down and yet no one is willing to help them!"

"You are still a kid; I think it is something you needn't to worry about. In this world there's many people who are like them, poor, unhealthy—are you saying you will save them all? That's impossible feat, young master, even for me who is already a Sect Leader."

"But I—" Wen RuoHan's eyes widen as a memory of a woman flash on his mind, saying the exact same words Wei Ying is letting out "—can't turn back on them!"

Why are there so many resemblances? Wen RuoHan wanted to know so badly!

"Young Master who is your parents? Do you know?"

"CangSe Sanren and Wei ChangZen!" That answers Wen RuoHan curiosity, he smiles.

"Young Master Wei, would you mind if I call you A-Ying?"

Wei Ying smile, "No."

"Then from here and on, I'll call you A-Ying." Wen RuoHan stands up, and offer his hand to the child, "Let's go where your uncle is."

"Oh, I am not a nuisance?"

"No, not in slightest." Wei Ying took Wen RuoHan's hand and together strolls the hallway of his castle.

Cong Guixiu narrowing his eyes as he observing Wei Ying's sword play against with other disciple. He didn't fail to recognize the sword style, it was Jiang's sword style. When they have found Wei Ying two years ago, he doesn't have any idea of how to use a sword but now... it is in the blood? More importantly, Wei Ying is already adept on it.

"A-Ying!" The called child and his sparing partner halted immediately right after they heard him.

"Yes, Uncle Gui?"

"How did you learn that sword style?"

"Sword style?" Wei Ying tilts his head, "I'm just regularly playing sword with A-die, but I always like watching A-niang and A-die fought!"

'It is really possible for a child to master those by just playing and watching?'

These thoughts have slip away his head when someone's calls for the boy's attention, gaining both him and Wei Ying's.

Wei Ying smile widely and runs towards the caller.

"Uncle Cai!" Wei Ying bows to his uncle and turn to the people with him.

"Welcome to ZhuQue Sect everyone!"

All of the DafanWens gives their salutation to the Young Master, and thank him for his kindness, that he went so far as adopting them and even have a talk with Wen RuoHan.

"Why I feel like this is not the last time we're going to adopt some people?" XingXiu CaiPi voiced out on his fellow heads.

"You're not alone in that." Tiao LiuJuan responses.

Cong GuiXiu, "Goodluck Sect Leader Zhu."

All of them laughs worryingly and awkwardly.

"Seems like the ZhuQue Sect will increase in number soon, no da."

After some bath, and changing into new sets of clothes, provided by Tiao LiuJuan, the DafanWens along with the seven heads of ZhuQue Sect were in a room, all sitting facing each other.

"Indeed our ancestors were great doctors, but other than A-Qing's and A-Ning's parents, none of us now can even identify a toxic plant into medicinal herbs. We were uneducated, that's why we were abandoned."

"Then all you need is someone that will teach you from the very basic."

"It's no problem here in our sect."

"But aren't most of us are already old for those?"

"Age doesn't matter, if you want to learn."

"Are you really willing to help us?"

"You are now part of our sect, of course we want you to held your heads high. You could just consider it as payment to A-Ying who went so far just to have your custody from Sect Leader Wen, no da."

The DafanWens cries and they flood the heads gratitude's.

"Just take the opportunity Myo Juan's is giving you. It's not everyday he is so willing to take in some students."

This time the DafanWens stand up and gave them salutes.

Myo Juan, "From here and on, you all are no longer Wens. The House of Zhen will adopt you all and will be carry my family name, Myo."

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