Chapter 25 Trouble in Cloud Recesses

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MDZS Fanfic

Red Strings of Connections

Chapter 25 Trouble in Cloud Recesses

One of finest, quiet, normal days in Cloud Recesses, today, the lesson took everyone in Murals of Lan Clan's ancestors; Lan Qiren deliberates everyone about their clan's history through generations, AND NORMALLY Wei Wuxian would be with Lan Wangji during this tour, but the said stony-faced cultivator is currently out and nowhere. So, instead, Wei Wuxian is with Jin Zixuan and Nie Huaisang.

"So the founding father of the Lan was a monk; no wonder. To enter the secular world for the sake of one person—"should you leave, I too shall leave, this life shall not remain in the world"—with such attitude for a founder; how come did he give birth to such unromantic descendants?"

This is one of the topics within the guest disciples around Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan who could hear them clearly, although they are doubting that Lan Qiren actually hears these; nevertheless, they wouldn't whisper this if the Lan Master is near them anyway.

"Is Wangji-xiong unromantic too Ying'xiong?" Nie Huaisang whispered to Wei Wuxian, covering his mouth with his fan, all curious.

Wei Wuxian narrows his eyes towards the Second Young Master Nie before replying, "Who are you? Tiao Reinshun? Here I thought I'm safe from her and her minions, to think that she also has minion within Nie Clan!"

"Aiya! Shizun is not the only one who interested in your progress with Wangji-xiong!"

"Lower your voice more Nie Huaisang, their relationship is still in secret."

"There's nothing going on between us!"

"At least "there's nothing yet"."

"Don't join him Sect Leader Jin..."

Jin Zixuan and Nie Huaisang snicker quietly.

Going through the murals once again, Wei Wuxian took this chance to whisper something to Jin Zixuan which made him blush, frown and look sharply at Wei Wuxian.

After a short silent and frowning at the younger lad, Jin Zixuan sighs and told to Wei Wuxian about the situation in Jinlintai, specifically about his marriage with Jiang Yanli.

Jiang Yanli is the eldest daughter of Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Cheng's elder biological sister. Has moderate temper, nothing exceptional—steady in speech, but nothing memorable. Her looks were above average, and her talents were nothing astounding. When compared to other beautiful maidens of various clans, she'll be easily overshadowed.

These are what people would say about Jiang Yanli, and unfortunately for someone who always alone and has habit of eavesdropping, Jiang Wanyin or better known in Zhuque Sect as Chengcheng hears them, and as words getting out from Jin Zixuan makes his face redder and redder.

He did not catch all the words they are talking, yet he concludes that Jin Zixuan is insulting his Shijie, and it is something he cannot tolerate at all.

Jiang Cheng didn't even hear Jin Zixuan's own thoughts about Jiang Yanli which makes Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang grin on how head over heels in love their friend.

With reddened face, Jiang Cheng stomp his feet towards the Zhuque-Jin-Nie trio, and without a word punches Jin Zixuan who has completely no idea why he must receive such a rage.

Quickly, despite all shock, Wei Wuxian gets in-between of the two.

"What's up with you Chengcheng?"

"Fuck off Wei Wuxian! That bastard doesn't deserve my Shijie!!!"

"Huh? Just what are you talking?"

Blind in rage, Jiang Cheng would launch another punch and doesn't care if Wei Wuxian will be caught in it, but before he could land it at the unmoving young master, a strong hold stops him.

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