Daily Life (Chapter 3, part 6)

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I find Sakura

"Hi Sakura," I say.

"Hello," she replies.

"Taka has been acting weird lately," she says.

"What is he saying?" I ask.

"Well, he is louder then usual and he just acts a bit more like Mondo," Sakura says.

"Hmm," I reply.

After saying goodbye, I walk away and meet with Taka, to see what Sakura's talking about

"Hello," I say.

"Hi!," Taka exclaims.

I wasn't expecting him to exclaim

"How is life?" I ask.

"Freaking amazing! Gotta appreciate the day!" Taka exclaims.

"Yeah," I reply.

He is like... a mix of himself and Mondo, I guess that thing Alter Ego did really inspired him, he is a hero but at the same time seems like he if you wanted to he could kill anyone, the hope and misery... almost mixed together... it seems Taka deep down is still sad, but being a hero a hero that I never could or will be...

"Well I am gonna go now," I say.

"Okay!" Taka exclaims.

I then walk away

I find a group of students talking with each other. In this group, includes Hiro, Hifumi, Taka, Celeste, and Kyoko. 

"You are very determined," Hiro says.

"Yup!" Taka exclaims.

"Hey Hifumi," Celeste says.

"Yeah?" Hifumi asks.

"Can you fetch me some tea?" she asks.

"Of course!" Hifumi exclaims.

Hifumi then runs off.

Kyoko silently walks away, towards me.

"Hi," I say.

"Can you come to my dorm?" Kyoko asks.

Wait a minute, that sounds like she wants me to die... no it can't be, I trust her I should shake this feeling away.

"Sure," I reply.

We both walk down the halls, I see Makoto, I wave at him.

"Hello," Makoto says.

"Hi," I reply.

We walk past him to Kyoko's dorm. She opens the dorm room, Kyoko and I step inside. Kyoko then slams the door shut and locks it.

"Akira, you are the only person I trust enough to tell this," Kyoko says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Look around, guess what happened," Kyoko says.

I look around, her blanket is on the floor and there is a deep cut in the wood in Kyoko's bed. Her pillows look like they could fall off her bed at any second. There is also holes in the wall.

"You were attacked," I say.

"Yes," she replies.

"It was too dark so I couldn't figure out who the attacker was but I suddenly woke up and dodged a knife what almost hit my head, it slammed into the wood causing there to be a deep cut. I continued dodging the attacks causing the blanket to fall off and the pillows to go everywhere. I kicked the attacker, and this person slammed so hard into the wall that it left holes in the wall," Kyoko says.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine," Kyoko says.

"Good," I reply.

Time then flies by, I go to the library and read a book, the entire book which takes up lots of the day. I also talked with Kyoko for a while, and it became nighttime. We all did the nighttime meeting and now it is very dark 

I walk to my room knowing any minute know Monokuma will say it is 10pm, suddenly, I get a tap on my shoulder. Huh?

It is Hiro.

"Hiro, wh-what is going on?" I ask.

"Follow me," he says.

This could be a plan to get me murdered.

"Why?" I ask.

"Follow him," Kyoko says.

"Kyoko? What are you doing here?" Hiro asks.

"To get this done quicker," she says.

I follow Hiro and Kyoko, I see everyone else. Byakuya, Celeste, Hina, Hifumi, Makoto, Sakura, Toko, and Taka.

"Alright everyone," Hina says.

She sighs.

"Alter Ego has gone missing," she says.

Everyone is in shock. 

"How could it go missing? Wouldn't it yell for help?" Byakuya asks.

"Not if someone powered it off," Kyoko says.

Everyone looks to her.

"And the person who took Alter Ego is probably the same person who is going to be the murderer," Kyoko says.

The room goes silent.

"And how would you know all of this unless you were the murderer?" Taka asks.

"It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to know that is very likely to be a murderer's motive," she replies.

This is very dangerous, the murderer has Alter Ego so it can't foil the murderer's plans.

We then all walk back, I go to my dorm anxious, anxious that the one thing that could provide us information is gone. I sit down on my bed and rest. I thought today was going to be good, but nope. I learned I am a massive target for being killed, I learned that Kyoko someone I care about could have died, and I learned that the one thing providing information is gone, wow, what a day. 

"This is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Anyways sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite...," Monokuma says.

I close my eyes, I eventually fall asleep.


The next day

I wake up and get out of bed. I look at the clock, 7:10 A.M. It is not the breakfast meeting for a while. I get out of my dorm and stretch. I think about Alter Ego, my heart pumps faster. I try to put the horrible thoughts out of my mind. I see a scratch on my wrist, huh that's weird. There is tiny droplets of blood coming out of it. I never checked out the nurse's office, huh. I guess I better check it out well I get a first aid kit out of there. I go to the nurse's office ready to look around and get the first aid kit to put a band-aid on my wrist. I open the door and I step in.

I gasp. Oh my god... I put my mouth on my face. My hands tremble, I am stunned... there... blood is everywhere... two bodies on the ground... Taka and Hifumi are both on the floor... limp, lifeless... dead.

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