To Survive (Chapter 1, part 2)

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I rushed out of the room to meet up with all the others. But there was someone waiting for me there. It was like something out of an old TV show...


"Ahh" someone says.

I look down to see Sayaka on the floor her hand on her head.

"Oh--! ...Sayaka? S-Sorry! Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine. I hope you're okay... Sorry about that..."

She had an embarrassed smile on her face. I stood up slowly.

Sayaka gets up.

"Are you okay, Sayaka? Are you hurt?"

"Hmhm, you make it sound worse than it is. I'm completely fine. I know how I look, but I've actually built some pretty good muscle jumping up and down on stage!"

"That's good, then..."

"But...are *you* okay? You know, from when Mondo hit you..."

That's true... I got knocked out right there in front of everyone. I guess I revealed my lack of cool right from the beginning...


"Oh, uh, I'm fine! Nothing wrong here!"

"Oh, that's good. I was kinda worried..."

"Th-Thanks... By the way...what are you doing here?"

"Actually...I came to get you."

"You get me?"

"Well, if you really are feeling better...I was hoping you could come to the dining hall."

"The dining hall...?"

"After you got knocked out, everyone decided to go and do their own thing. We decided it would be more effective if we split up to investigate. So we agreed to get together later on and talk about what we'd each found out."

"So does that mean it's almost time to get back together? If that's what's going on, then of course I'll go with you!"

"Good. I'll go on ahead and meet you at the dining hall, then."

Sayaka then leaves.

Dorm rooms line the hallway here and around the corner.

I go past the dorms of Makoto, Aoi, Togami, Celestia, Chihiro, Hifumi, Junko, Kiyotaka, Kyoko, Leon, Mondo, Sakura, Sayaka, Toko, Yasuhiro, and mine.

There appears to be some sort of inner courtyard here, though it's nothing more than scenery.

A trash room is in this hallway, though I can't enter it yet. There are also a few bathrooms down the hall.

 At the bottom is this barred-off staircase and caution-taped door. I can't do anything about either of them, yet.

There's a laundry room and a bathhouse  but right now I can't go into either of them.

I enter the dining hall.

There, waiting for me is Sayaka.

This must be the dormitory dining hall.

"It looks pretty clean, so that's good" Sayaka says.

"...Er, I guess that's not really important right now, with us being prisoners here and all."

"Yeah, that's true..."

Nobody was waiting there for us. We don't really have much choice. I guess we should just wait here for now.

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