To Survive (Chapter 1, part 5)

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Sayaka puts her finger on her lip, thoughtfully.

"Here we go. I might be able to find something here to protect myself with..."

Sayaka looks around, I follow her.

"Aha! The display case! There must be something in there, I can use..." Sayaka mutters to herself.

I look in the Display Case, there are lots of trophies in there. But, I do notice a sword...

I let my mind ponder in thoughts for a moment

Is this...a sword? Oh, no, I think it's just a replica. Still, it's pretty impressive. It's completely covered in a gold coating. But...

I touch the sword with the gold coating, the gold coating gets all over my hands.

"Jeez! I barely touched it and I got that gold stuff all over my hands" I say.

"Wow, you're right. Your hands are totally gold! Even just for self-defense, I think it's a little..."

"Well, it's still better than nothing, I guess."

"You should take it with you! It might help liven up your room a little" Sayaka tells me.

"You think so?" I ask.

Sayaka smiles.

"Yes, but I guess you'd better be careful taking it back. You should wrap it in newspaper or something."

And just like that, it's been decided...

Once again, Sayaka puts her finger on her lip, thoughtfully.

"I don't see anything I could really use for self-defense..."

"H-Hey, don't worry about it! It's not like you need it right away, right? Plus, if anything *were* to happen... When the time comes...I'll protect you" I comfort her.

She puts her hand on her mouth in shock, but quickly calms down.

"You'll...protect me?"

"Yes, I will protect you, no matter the cost."

"Thank you for saying that... If I've got you on my side, I guess I don't need a weapon after all!"

Sayaka grins at me. I grin back.

Sayaka giggled as she said that. That mysterious smile... I can tell it comes from the heart. It makes me feel at ease... When I look at her, I honestly feel like I can do anything.

"Okay, we can stop looking for a weapon, then. But as long as we're here, let's hang out a bit more."


"I know I said I wanted to talk to you, but now that we're here...I don't really know what to talk about."

"And I was the one who invited you to come with me, too. Sorry..."

"It's okay. I mean, if there's nothing to talk about, then we can just not talk, right?"


"You don't have to force yourself to talk. We can just, I dunno...stare off into space or whatever."

"Stare off into space...?"

"Oh, but you're probably super bored! Just standing around doing nothing..."

"No, it's not that it's boring. It's just..."

"I've never really done it before. I don't have a lot of time to nothing."

"I-I guess that makes sense. You're not a normal high school student like me. You've got tons of stuff to do every day."

"...Hey, um...this is kinda out of nowhere, but... Makoto, do you have a [dream]?"

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