Prologue (Part 1)

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"Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy, a school for "Ultimates" students that are the best of the best at something, for example the ultimate Junko Enoshima, is the ultimate Fashonista."

"I did my research, and I'm ready to go, I'm excited, and I'm going to be able to use my Ultimate ability, for hope."

I stare at the building. Hope's Peak Academy. I think of all the hardships that led me to this moment, all the hope building up, to go to this Academy. This is the day where my life will change, for the good.

I walk towards the building, knowing everything that had led up to this moment. I open the door to the Academy, and walk inside. Making sure to close the door behind me, but then, it goes to black, everything goes to black. There is silence.


Hours later, I wake up, my blurry vision clears and clears. Until I adjust to the vision. I look to see I am on a chair, a table right by it. I look up and see a whiteboard. I'm in a classroom. I get out of the chair, looking around to see the teacher or the students, but, there is no one. It's like it is abandoned, no one at all. 

"What happened?"

I try to remember what happened, but I can't remember anything. "What is my name?" "What is my Ultimate ability?" "Where am I?" "What happened?"

Questions flood my mind, and I have to ignore those questions. I get out of the chair and look around, I try my hardest to remember what happened but am unable to.

I must investigate this place.

I look at a surveillance camera in the room. "Is that... a surveillance camera?"

"Well... it's a dangerous world we live in. I guess they must have these to keep weirdos from just coming in."

I stare at a window, it has massive metal plates bolted on to it. "What the heck?" "In any normal classroom, that's where a window should be. But it looks like some kind of metal plate has been bolted over the window. But, if I were to knock on it..."

I knock on the window. "Yup. Definitely metal. Thick, too. Very solid."

"Wait, that's not what matters here. More importantly, why are these metal plates on the windows?"

I look at the clock in the room. "Omg, I can't believe it's already 8 o'clock." 

"It was just after 7 when I first got here. Has it really been almost and hour since then?"

I then look at the TV in the room. "There's a TV..."

"Well the school is funded by the national government, so I guess it's not that weird to have TVs in here... but... Something I wonder what this is."

I then look at another thing, it's on a table. "Okay, so the thing on the desk is the most obvious thing I'd want to check. I have to see what it is."

"This is the desk that I fell asleep on."

"Hey what's that on the table?"

"An orientation guide...? It's some kind of cheap-looking pamphlet. And there's something handwritten on it."

"The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your entire world" a voice says.

What the heck? Is this someone's idea of a joke? I think.

"Okay, let's see. So what might have happened is..."

I opened the door and left the classroom, I pass the Main Hall. This looks like Hope's Peak Academy. How is this Hope's Peak Academy?

"But if this is Hope's Peak Academy..."

"But, that just raises even more questions. This is all really strange. I mean, those metal plates that are covering the windows... It's like it's a prison or something. None of this makes any sense... no sense at all."

 "I should probably head back to the main hall. I mean it's already past the meeting time. I can bet that the other students are there now."

"Wow... This hallway is kinda weird."

"This is getting stranger by the second. I honestly have no idea what's going on..."

"Well, for now I am just going to head to the main hall..."

After walking for what feels like a very long time, I make it to the right place. I open the door and see many other students. 15 students. All of them are waiting for me.

"Whoa, hey! Another new kid?" a man with red, spiky hair says.

"Huh? Then you guys are all...?"

"Yeah... We're all new students at Hope's Peak Academy. Today's supposed to be our first day of class" A buff woman says.

"So counting her, that makes fifteen. Seems like a good cut-off point, but I wonder if this is everyone" a woman in a high curled ponytail says.

Standing before me were the "Ultimate Students" that had been picked by the school. I looked around at everyone, all the students, who have gathered there, taking in their faces one at a time. Maybe I was just imagining it, but I swear I could feel a kind of aura coming from each  and every one of them.

"'s it going? My name's Akira Inoue. Sorry I'm late. A bunch of weird stuff happened, and then all of a sudden I just.. fell asleep."

"Whoa, you too?" a man with brown, spiky hair says.

"Things just keep getting curiouser and more curiouser.." a lady with long two-drilled pigtails says.

"So strange... I declare beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a strange situation!" a man with glasses and a black short-pointed ahoge says.

"Um...what are you talking about? I honestly have no idea what's going on right now" a boy, with brown hair who also has an ahoge says.

"Just a moment! There's something else we must address!" a man with black spiky, but short hair says.

"Akira! Your tardiness is unacceptable! Surely you were aware the meeting was to start at 8 a.m. sharp! To be late on your first day is unspeakable! I must report you, and you must accept your due punishment!"

"What's your problem? It's not like she *wanted* to be late. She didn't have any control over it" a woman with thick, blonde hair tied in two twin pigtails says.

I recognize this person, she's the ultimate fashionista, Junko Enoshima. She's everywhere.

"Everyone just calm down! Listen, why don't we all go around and introduce ourselves?" the woman with a high curled ponytail says."

"The heck? Now's no time, for introductions!" a man with an aippa, a cross between an afro and a pompadour says.

"Maybe, but it may be good to at least find out who we all are before digging into the bigger problems here. I mean, how are we even supposed to talk to each other if we do not know each other's names?" the lady with two-drilled pigtails says.

"She's right" a girl with ribboned pigtails says.

"Okay, so let's get introductions out of the way, then we can move on to whatever else. Sounds good?" a woman with a blue hime-cut says.

I'm still totally lost, but I think it's best to just focus on getting to know each other for now. So I guess this is as good a chance as I'm gonna get. I already looked everyone up on that Hope's Peak Academy thread online, but... I still don't really know what kind of people they actually are. Time to find out...

I'll start by talking to those five over there.

Standing there is the man with the short, spiky, black hair, a woman, with black hair and glasses, the woman with the blue hime-cut, the man with the spiky, red hair, and the man with glasses and a black, short, pointed ahoge.

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