Deadly Life (Chapter 1, part 3)

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For who knows how long...nobody said a word. The fact that Sayaka and Junko were dead was a huge shock, of course. But there was more to it than that. It was also the idea that one of us had actually murdered someone...and that if we didn't find out who it was, we would all die here.

We'd found ourselves in a situation where we couldn't help but look at each other with open suspicion. It was the worst situation imaginable. And yet, even in such a terrible situation...she didn't show the slightest hint that it had gotten to her.

"Continuing to think about and talk about the deceased certainly isn't going to help anything," Celeste says.

"S-Saying stuff like that is just insane!" exclaims Hina.

"How many times have I told you? Anyone who can't adapt...will die. Death is the only thing awaiting those who are unable or unwilling to adapt," Celeste replies.

"If that happens, you only have yourself to blame."

"What an awful thing to say! Especially after what happened!" Hina exclaims.

"I-I've h-had e-enough of this!" exclaims Toko.

"I am at my b-breaking point!" she follows up with her statement.

"Wait stop!" I say.

"W-what c-could y-you p-possibly h-have to s-say?" she asks.

"That's exactly what Monokuma wants at," I say.

"H-huh?" she asks.

"Monokuma wants us to be at the breaking point, he wants us to feel all of the despair of losing each other, he wants us divided, unable to trust anyone. Including the greatest of our friends, and even not trusting ourselves to not mess this up, to not kill, to not be killed. In other words, he wants us to feel paranoia, and unsafe in his own school. He's sick and twisted like that, and you saw what happened to Junko. If you try to stand up, or be the hero you'll be killed just like Junko. You'll be murdered in cold blood, just like Junko!" I exclaim.

"U-ugh! But I-I can't take this any longer! Just let me be free!" she exclaims.

She falls to a heep on the floor with tears in her eyes.

"H-hey, Toko are you alright?" Hina asks.

She gets beside her to comfort her.

"Get away from me!" she exclaims.

She pushes Hina on the floor and runs out, running to her dorm and slamming the door shut, locking it.

"I'll go comfort her," Taka says.

"No," I simply reply.

"Huh? Why not?" he asks me.

"Just leave her alone, it's clear she's under a lot of stress, it's the best to just leave her be," I say.

"She's right, she's stressed she literally saw a lady getting stabbed by spears, that could be traumatizing, and like Akira said, stressful," Sakura says.

"Oh, I guess you're right, I'll let her be," Taka says.

"Good, you're a wise young man, Taka," Sakura replies.

"Right now, exposing the killer is the most important thing. Because if we don't, we're all going to die here," Kyoko says.

"She's right. We need to begin our search right away, even if Toko won't help right away," Byakuya says.

"Either way, we can't run away from the situation, so we have no choice but to move forward," Sakura says.

"We just have to do it, I guess. What other choice do we have?" asks Hina.

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