To Survive (Chapter 1, part 8)

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Author's note: For now, I will be making one chapter every Saturday or Sunday, in 1-2 weeks, I have a lot going on in my life, and my chapters will be longer than the House, my previous book, and there will be edits to my other chapters, hope you understand and enjoy my story! P.S., maybe another chapter will be released today, but don't get your hopes up. Also Happy October! Halloween's coming up soon!

I walk towards the Dining Hall and enter it.

Standing there, is the rest of the 15 students.

"Okay, looks like everyone's here. So then, let's begin our very first "breakfast meeting"!" Taka exclaims.

"Everyone, thank you for making time in your busy schedules to come together."

"I didn't make time for this crap... You dragged me here..." Leon says with a groan.

"I know I already mentioned this earlier, but... In order to get out of here, it is essential that we all cooperate with each other. And the first step is this breakfast meeting, is for us to become friends and build trust! Friendship! So from now on, let's all meet here in the dining hall every morning after the morning announcement! Now then, let's eat!" Taka, happily exclaims.

"I am not here to build friendships" replies Mondo, with a groan.

"You w-want me to eat breakfast with other p-people? I've never done that b-before. I'm not sure.. . a-about t-that" Toko replies.

"Yeah, it's been a while for me, too" replies Leon.

Junko decides to change the subject.

"Well anyway...did anyone happen to come up with any clues?" Junko asks.

Silence echoed throughout the dining hall.

No one replies, not even Kyoko.

"Seriously? Nothing at all!?"

"Anything, it can be about how to get out, or who's doing this, nobody has anything!?"

Music cuts out.

Celeste stares at Junko, in a darkly, almost scared, face.

" ...You are going to die" Celeste tells Junko.


"If you can't stop yourself from showing weakness in front of will die" Celeste simply tells her.

"Wh-What the heck? Don't even freaking joke about that!" Junko exclaims.

Celeste's face goes from a darkly, almost scared, face to a happy face.

She simply smiles at Junko. Everyone's confused.

" I am not joking. Adaptability is survivability. Did I not say so? So you'd better hurry up and adapt to your new life here at Hope's Peak Academy."

"Have you gone completely insane? Adapt to my new life here? Do you have any idea what you're saying?" Junko asks, in shock.

"Yeah, sounds like the girl wants to live here. And heck, she wants more power for herself" Mondo says.

"No way in heck am I living here! I'm gettin' outta here, I don't give a crap!" Mondo, angrily exclaims.

"Hmhm. Sure, feel free" Celeste simply replies.

"Okay, so...nobody has any clues?" Leon asks.

"One thing I can tell you is who's behind all this. Something who's totally weird and messed up. Why else would we be trapped here in the first place?" Hina asks.

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