Prologue (Part 2)

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I go up to the man with spiky, short hair.

"My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru. I believe in bold simplicity!"

So that's Kiyotaka. According to what I saw about him on the thread that showed the students... He went to a famous private school and won top honors every year. He's basically a flawless honor student... He's also known for the work he's done with his community's Public Morals Committee. Apparently, he respects rules above all else, earning him the title of Ultimate Moral Compass.

"Anyway, you can call me Taka. You said your name was Akira Inoue, right?"


"That's a good name, a strong name! You should thank your parents for giving you such an excellent name!"

"And to keep that name from losing its value, you must devote yourself to this school every single day!"

"Life is worth putting every ounce of effort into it! Right? Right!"


This guy... is a little annoying...

I then go to the woman with black hair and glasses.

"N-not that you'll remember my n-name anyway, but..."

"My n-name is T-Toko... Toko Fukawa."

I stare at her

Yeah, she wrote a novel when she was ten that got everyone talking and launched her literary career. Then two years ago she released "So Lingers the Ocean," a love story said to be her masterpiece. The book was a huge hit.

Despite her age, she's won countless literary prizes and all her books are instant best-sellers. Which is why she's come to be known as the Ultimate Writing Prodigy. What else would you call such a young and talented author? But I figured she'd be a love kind of type, what with her masterpiece being a romance and all...

I continue to stare at her.


"Wh-What? I-It's not polite to stare, you know."

"Stop staring at me like I'm some kind of filthy creature!"

"F-Filthy creature? No, I just thought--"

"I-I know what you "just" thought...! You just thought you've n-never seen such an ugly person! You just th-thought it was very funny...!"

"N-No, that's not what I was thinking at all..."

"Don't bother trying to l-lie to me! I know it's true. Otherwise, you... I know you can't stand looking at me!"

"Wh-Whatever, I don't really care. I'm used to it."

Wow, what a talk. I was waaay off about what a successful author would be like.

I go to the woman with the blue hime-cut.

"Hi, I'm Sayaka Maizono. I look forward to getting to know you!"

The way she moves is positively mesmerizing. And the pleasant scent I can't quite place... Sayaka Maizono... When I saw her name in that thread online, frankly I was very surprised.

She's in a pop group famous across the country. In fact, she's their lead singer... As the Ultimate Pop Sensation, she's in high demand to appear on TV and in magazines everywhere. But actually, that's not the only reason I was so surprised to find out she'd be going to this school. I think I know her in a different way, nevermind. No matter how you slice it, she's really beautiful. Almost like a doll or something...

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