To Survive (Chapter 1, part 3)

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Is it possible? Was she really...? No, no. I'm just overthinking things.

"Darn it Kyoko! You're really going to be late like this on the first day of school!? Not only is she late, she didn't tell anyone she would be late! A most unbecoming personality trait..." Taka says.

"You're being very rude right now, you know that?" Junko asks.

"Well what do you want me to do!? Punctuality is everything!"

"Now then, I declare that the first session of the Hope's Peak Academy briefing meetings has begun!"

"Akira... Actually, first of all... I've talked enough. Maybe we should listen to what everyone else has to say."

"Okay, let's do that."

"Hmhm. You know..."

"Huh? What's up?"

 "I feel like I really have become your personal assistant, don't you agree?"

"I may not be the best assistant in the world, but I'll give it everything I've got."

"'ve already done so much as my assistant."

"Okay, so since you're in the dark about all this, let me lay out what's been going on. Everyone split up to investigate different parts of the building, but..."

"[Byakuya] and [Taka] each went off on their own, and so did Kyoko. It looks like [Leon, Hiro, Junko and Chihiro] all grouped up together. The same goes for [Hina, Sakura, and Mondo]. [Celeste, Toko, and Hifumi] were left over, so they joined up."

"I wanted to try and find some clues as to who's responsible for imprisoning us here... But unfortunately, I made no such discoveries. That's all from me..." Togami says.

"Really? That's it?" Taka asks.

"If I'd uncovered anything, naturally I would have more to say. But I didn't. So I don't."

"R-Right, understood..."

"I spent some time looking around the dormitory, and..." Taka says.

"There I made the discovery of the century! I found that there was exactly one room for each person!"

"Well yeah, I figured that out before anything else..." Hina says.

"Each door already has a nameplate on it, so I guess all the rooms have been assigned already" Junko says.

"And each room key was attached to a keychain with the owner's name precision-etched onto it" Sakura says.

Which confirms that the room I was in earlier is, in fact, my room.

"And Celestia and I found out that all the rooms are totally soundproof" Junko says.

"Your next-door neighbor could scream their lungs out, and you wouldn't hear a thing..."

"Well, each room also had a private bathroom, which could also lock" Sakura says.

"But it looked like there were only locks on the bathrooms in the girls' dorms."

Huh? But when I checked my bathroom door before, it definitely seemed like it was locked... That's weird... I should double-check that later.

"Okay, so they got a bunch of rooms ready for us. They're assuming we're gonna be here for a while..." Mondo says.

"Well, better to have than have not! At least we don't have to worry about surviving like wild animals."

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