Long time no see (chapter 9)

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Lucifer's POV 

I was reading in my office. I was fantasizing about Y/n. I was hoping that the next person to enter my office was her. I was starting to worry about Charlie. What is she got hurt ?what if she wasn't able to attend? what if she lost the trial? I took my mind off both of then for about 4 hours.  During this time i continued reading this boring and long book.Next thing I hear was my office door opening. I look to see who it was and it was Charlie. " DAD YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPEND!" . I was a bit confused at first then asked " what is it?" She made a sad face then siad. "HEAVEN DOSEN'T LIKE MY IDEA!" " Charlie... i told you over the phone no" She looked at me in a bit of guilt. " uhhh Y/n kinda made a scene up there with one of the Angels according to then  because one of the angels started it". My eyes widend. " Charlie why did you bring her!" She sighed then said "well I.... kinda wanted more company so i asked her if she would want to come." I should have not let Y/n out of my sight. " CHARLIE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SHE AND HELL IS IN DANGER!" she shooked her head. " HER MAKING A SCENE WAS COAD FOR SHE IS AN FALLEN ANGEL AND THEY RECOGNIZE HER! SHE IS WITH GOD RIGHT NOW AND MOST LIKELY GONNA GET BEAT UP!" Charlie then rolled her eyes  " And? She wants you even though your married.  Can you believe that! also who is beating her up?" She said. " CHARLIE DO YOU HEAR YOUSELF! YOU ARE NOT THE DAUGHTER I RAISED! AND SHE IS PROBABLY GETTING BEAT UP BY MY BROTHER MICHA-.... No nO no no no no no! HE'S COMING DOWN RIGHT NOW TO TRY AND KILL YOU, ME, OUR LOVED ONES, AND MORE!" Charlie was annoyed " DAD! It's her fault! If she wasn't trying to get with you none of this would have ever happened". " Charlie now is not the time. We need to hide before he gets here!" She yelled out " WHO IS HE!" Then my office door slighly opened. I whispered to Charlie " hide and I will fight". She backed away and hid a pile of 🦆 ducks 🦆. I turned into my Demon form and let out my wings. Then there was silence. Then Out of nowhere someone came crashing though the door and it looked like it hurt. I turned to see who it was only to see someone unconscious on the ground bleeding. " Charlie help them out please." She went over and dragged them in the pile of 🦆 ducks 🦆 with her. I turned back to see who was the one who owes me a new door. Then I saw HIM. "Hey there bro. How's it been? Everything alright?" He smiled with passionate. I tried to punch him but he dogged it almost immediately. "Oof she already tried that". I then pushed him but that did nothing. "Hmm? Maybe try exercising? You weak bitch". I got tired of this bullshit and pinned him to the ground. He was struggling to get me off of him. "Get off me you fat whore!" I then started choking him. He was gagging like crazy. "Y-you c....can't k-k-ill..... me". He then went for my stomach and got me off of him. He dusted himself off then went into fighting mode. Since I was shorter then him he kept aiming above me. I kicked him in his nuts and that was the end of that. He fell down groaning in pain. I 🦆duck🦆 taped him to the wall. I went over to Charlie to see who was the one who got thrown by Michael. I gasped at the sight of who it was. "Y-y-Y/n?" I held her in my arms and started crying. I got up and carried Y/n in my arms and brought her to my chair and sat her down. I went over a grabbed my first aid kit and opened it. I used bandages and towels to stop the blood from leaving her body. "what had she been through" I ask myself. "Charlie call the hotel we're gonna need back up".

The king himself (Lucifer x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now