The truth (chapter 3)

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3rd person POV

" where are you taking me?" You ask. " to my office. I need to ask you something." He replied. Once you got to his office he sat you down and began saying " your not a sinner. I know you... your from heaven. You were one of the Seraphim." You didn't know what to say " i- how.... I remember now. The fallen angel the one who disobeyed God. Luci is that you". He smiled with relief " yes it's me and I missed you N/n". " I missed you too but why. Why did you dissobay God. I mean no one questions God not even his son". He was angered with the fact you were bring this up." Well i had different beliefs. I think people should love whoever they want whenever they want. You need to stay here. It's not safe there". " WHAT DO YOU NOT TRUST YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!" i yelled out. " no I do trust her but it's just that... siners are very violent and she is not ready for the real world" he said. " also how did you even end up here?"

" I don't like talking about that...but since it's you I will tell. I started questioning everyone's existence and eventually called Heaven Hell. They didn't like that but they allowed it. But that was a mistake. I started saying I hated my idea but they tried to convince me that it was a great idea. And then I kinda started a fight with your twin brother, Micheal. He said that he was the better brother and that you were a bad influence on me and I didn't like that". Lucifer was in shock. " wait my twin brother. You fought my brother! And what idea? I never knew you came up with an idea". He said " you know the extermination every year to lower Hell's population... yea well... that was my.... idea". He was completely quiet. He was disappointed. " Luci please. If I  would have known you would've been sent down here i wouldn't have came up with the idea. And after all we've been through you know I would never". He sighed then said " okay I believe you. But so then no one else know that you are an angel, you have to be here with me do you understand". You nodded in excitement.

The king himself (Lucifer x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now