Chapter Forty Two

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"That burger was so good. I think I have a food baby." I sigh happily rubbing my tummy.

Isaiah just treated Cairo and I to the best burger I have ever had. I was about to order take out as well but then I recalled that Rebecca is planning a family dinner tonight in celebration of the boys winning the championship. Yes, she is that confident that they will win.

"I know that's why I took you there." Isaiah replies.

"We are definitely coming back." I decree.

"I'll be happy to bring you." Isaiah agrees making me incredibly happy.

Isaiah picks Cairo up and puts him on his shoulders making him giggle happily. Watching the both of them interact and talk as we walk back to the car makes my heart swell with joy.

Living with the Carter's for a whole month has shifted my thoughts on how a fully functional loving family dynamic looks like. Seeing how Rebecca is dedicated to her boys has opened my eyes on what a mom should be like with her kids. She's shown me just how much I have missed out on with my own mom. And even though Parker is Isaiah's adopted dad, he is much more dedicated to him than my own biological father has ever been to me.

The only similarity between the Carters and the Fosters is the sibling relationships. Astrid and I are as close as Isaiah and Cairo are. Isaiah dots on his little brother while Cairo worships the ground his big brother walks on. Being a witness to their awesome relationship makes me miss Astrid more than ever but she is still in DC for work. She offered to come back after my fall out with our parents but I assured her that I was more than okay staying with the Carters.

They have been so welcoming to me and I am so lucky that Isaiah has such a great family that was able to help me out when I had nowhere else to go. Part of me wishes I could stay with them forever but the other part of me wants to fix things with my parents. They are the only parents I will ever have but they are still not ready to compromise and let me study Art so we are at a stalemate for now. For now that is okay with me because I am not willing to give up on my dreams for them and I never will be.

When we get back to the car I help Isaiah strap Cairo into his car seat that he is not really a fan of before taking my place in the front next to my boyfriend. Today I will be attending one of his games for the first time. It's the most important one and even though I am not a sports fan I am still going to support him. He has been amazing to me and I need to step up my game.

I turn to Isaiah to ask him how long the game is going to be when I see something dripping from his nose.

"Babe your nose."

Isaiah turns to me looking a bit unfocused and mumbles something inaudible and that's when I see that the drip from his nose is red.

"Is that blood? Oh my God, you're nose bleeding." I cry out in panic.

"I am." Isaiah coughs bringing his hand up to his nose and ends up smearing it with blood.

He cusses out loud and unfortunately Cairo hears him and calls him out on it. Isaiah apologizes but I am increasingly getting worried because he is getting pale.

"We have to stop. Pull over." I demand as the blood starts dripping onto his t-shirt staining the white material.

Isaiah looks like he is struggling to hear me and I watch in horror as his eyes roll to the back of his head like he's losing consciousness. His hands fall off the steering wheel as his whole body goes limp.

"Isaiah! Baby wake up!" I scream shaking him awake but he is non responsive.

Cairo starts crying in the backseat as the car starts swerving and I have no idea what to do. Everything happens so fast and before I can undo my seatbelt so I can try and take control of the car, we veer off the road and the car crashes into a fire hydrant.

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