Chapter Nineteen

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Deciding what to bring to school for show and tell has been one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. It's an elementary school assignment yet I'm an eighteen year old senior having trouble with something that should be very simple. But it's not that easy is it? Nothing in our huge house means that much to me and the things worth a damn are too expensive for me to bring with me to school. Plus Mrs Beaufoy was specific that whatever we bring should be of sentimental value to us. After thinking long and hard for two weeks I finally decided on an item. I am nervous as hell but I am also excited.

The only upside to this is the fact that its the last class of the day so if I mess up, I have the whole weekend to recover from my failure.

A bark makes me look up from my drawing book to find Isaiah walking towards our lunch table with the most adorable dog I have ever seen. I'm not the only one entranced as the whole cafeteria is looking at them. Isaiah ignores everyone and comes directly to our table.

"Berry." He greets smiling at me.

"Hi Iz. Cute dog. Who'd you kidnap her from?" I tease him.

"Har har, very funny. Berry, meet Ruby." He introduces.

I hold my hand out for her to sniff and once she realizes I'm not a threat, she immediately starts to lick me. I giggle at how adorable she is.

"Now I want to kidnap her. Can I pick her up?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sure." He replies.

I grin and pick her up putting her on my lap. Her kisses transfer from my hand to my face and I cannot hold back my happiness. Isaiah takes his seat next to me and for a few minutes it's just the two of us at the table.

"Where have you been keeping her all morning?" I ask him.

"In her crate, I didn't want her wandering off but she was getting antsy so I asked for permission to have her out. It was granted as long as she doesn't mess with any school property or harm a student or faculty member." He explains.

"How can such a cutie harm anyone or anything?" I coo in a baby voice scratching the back of her ears.

We're soon joined by the rest of our friends and those who haven't met Ruby yet are just as enamored by her as I am. Isaiah gives her some food and water and while she eats we get to enjoy our lunch as well.

"Isaiah brought Ruby for show and tell, what did you bring princess?" Wesley asks.

"I'm too nervous to talk about it twice. You'll find out later if it's a success." I answer.

"You're holding out on us. C'mon, please tell us." He pleads further.

"I'm sorry but no. I'll tell you after." I insist.

"Too bad you're not in our class Wes, we'll get to experience it first hand." Kristie grins at him.

"I'm sorry I'm not a genius like you three." He retorts stuffing his mouth with pizza.

"You're amazing in your own way Wes." I compliment ruffling his hair.

By the time I realize what I've done its too late and I quickly pull my hand back.

"I am so sorry, I don't know where that came from." I apologize hugging my offending hand to my chest.

"What? What's wrong?" Wesley asks looking confused.

"Your hair, I didn't mean to do that." I express.

"What's she on about?" Wesley inquires looking even more confused as he runs his fingers through his hair thinking I've put something in it.

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