Chapter Ten

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Early morning runs with Ruby are the best form of therapy when I can't get my mind to settle down. Even though I go to bed pretty late most nights, I always wake up early. Four hours of sleep are more than enough for me. Sometimes I sleep for less but it's never affected my day to day. I'm probably an undiagnosed insomniac but it's not something I'd want my mom to know. She worries too much about me already. I can't add this to the pile as well.

Ruby maintains a steady pace by my side her tongue hanging out of her mouth, tail wagging in excitement. She loves our runs as much as I do. Parker usually joins us when he is up for it but this morning it's just the two of us.

We've been up for more than an hour, caught a beautiful sunrise and now we are headed back to the house. I feel more clear headed now, ready for the busy week ahead.

When we get home, I make sure to rinse out Ruby's paws to avoid her dirty prints on my mom's expensive carpet. I take off my dirty shoes as well and we use the back door to get into the house. I can hear tinkering in the kitchen as breakfast is being made meaning I don't have much time to get ready.

Thirty minutes later, I walk back downstairs with Ruby by my side carrying my backpack and gym bag. I pour her a bowl of water and some food in the kitchen before joining everyone else in the dining room.

"Good morning family." I chorus kissing the top of my mom's head.

"Morning baby, sleep well?" She asks when I lean over for a kiss on the cheek.

"Yes mom." I nod taking the seat next to her.

"Hey champ." I grin ruffling Cairo's hair.

The kid has more hair than I do and his curls are wild. I need to remember to take him to the barber soon so they can be tamed.

"Heymph." He replies his mouth stuffed with chocolate chip pancakes.

I laugh and reach across the table to fist bump Parker.

"No talking with food in your mouth." Mom corrects him.

He goes to apologize, remembers his mouth is still stuffed so he just keeps on eating.

I fill my plate as my mom pours me a glass of juice.

Family breakfast is a law set in stone in the Carter household. We are all so busy with our lives that the only time we can all sit down to eat together or have family time is during breakfast. Sometimes I break that rule when I have early morning practice like on Saturdays or when coach is in one of his moods but that's understandable. Skipping family breakfast time without a reasonable excuse is second to committing treason in this household.

I am all for this rule because I didn't have such stability growing up. I lived on cereal for the first ten years of my life because it's the only thing I was able to make for myself as my mom was barely ever around. But now we are fixing that and healing; one family tradition at a time.

"Itineraries this week?" Mom asks.

This is her way of asking if we have any big events that she needs to be aware of.

I nod and lift my fork up as I reply. "I have my first game of the season this Saturday for Labor day weekend. It's a friendly game with Bayside High so you guys don't need to come. Mom I know you have that big event with Parker as your plus one."

"Are you sure? I can push some things around and come." She offers.

"No it's okay, I'll be fine I promise."

"Or your mom can find another plus one so Cairo and I can come." Parker suggests.

"You guys don't have to. Really it's okay." I insist.

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