Chapter Eighteen

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In as much as coach is proud of us for our win against Bayside high he is not letting us slack. It actually feels like he is pushing us harder each day. I don't mind it because I am used to the pressure but it's quite the adjustment for some of the team members. No one is complaining though because for most of us seniors this is the most important year of our highschool basketball career. It's the year where our game will determine which college we get into. For me as long as it's an Ivy League I don't mind which one. I want to make my mom proud so I'm aiming high.

I want to do my best but I can't help but get distracted a couple of times by a particular red headed beauty. Whenever she is not tutoring or drawing in art class she makes a habit of coming to watch us practice. She is never actually watching us practice but using use as muses just like she did with Wesley. He's still bragging about the drawing she gifted him for his birthday. It was a sweet gift and if I'm honest with myself I'm a little jealous of him. I wish she'd draw me. I'd be so honoured.

A ball is thrown at me, bouncing off my chest and onto the floor. I turn to glare at the culprit and its Baron is who smirking at me.

"Stare at her any longer and she'll blow up." He teases.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I grunt forcing myself to look away from Kennedy who's hunched over her drawing book in the stands.

"Yeah right. You could just tell her you like her bro." He insists.

The knowing look in his eyes let's me know that there's no need to deny what the two of us already know but it doesn't mean I'll outright confess to him.

"Says the guy who took three years to ask out the girl he likes." I retort.

He gasps, his hand landing on his chest like I've stabbed him. "Low blow dude, low blow. True but harsh."

I roll my eyes and laugh at how dramatic he's being. "Sorry man and for your information I did tell her."

His eyes widen at my revelation. He walks closer to me so as to make the conversation more private.

"And she rejected you?" He asks.

"No. She feels the same." I answer shaking my head.

"So you're dating! Congrats man." He cheers out loud attracting the attention of a couple of our teammates.

"Lower your voice." I demand.

"Sorry." He whispers. "So are you two dating?"

"No we agreed that we are better off as friends." I reply.

"What?! Really?"


"Why?" He asks sounding disappointed.

I expect such questions from Wesley since he is the nosy one while Baron is the quiet one but right now he's being too inquisitive."Don't you have a girlfriend to pester?"

"I do but I'd rather nag you." He grins at me.

Oh yeah that's right, he and Kristie are dating. After three years of pining after her from a distance, liking each other from across the room, they are finally a couple. I am happy for them, they are very cute together. Maybe Kristie is making Baron open up more. That would explain his many questions and newly acquired inquisitive nature.

"If you must know we talked and agreed that we're not ready to commit to each other. So rather than waste time dating only to break up, we'd rather try to be friends first." I explain.

"Wow, I admire that." He confesses looking proud of me.

"Thanks but it sucks, I really like her." I mumble turning to look at her again.

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