Chapter Thirty Six

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"Isaiah come out come out wherever you are. I promise daddy is not mad anymore." The cold chilling voice of my father calls out from the other side of the closed bedroom door.

I know he is lying. Daddy always lies. I know he is mad at me because I tried watching TV when he was asleep. There was a football game on but he was asleep so I thought it okay to watch my cartoons. But then he woke up from his nap and found me watching cartoons which made him really mad. I tried to apologize and reach for the remote to change it back to the game but I accidentally knocked his beer bottle onto the floor and broke it. He reached out to hit me so I ran to my room and locked the door, hiding under the bed.

"Isaiah, open this door." Daddy demands.

The lock jiggles as he tries to open the door only to find it locked which pisses him even more. He starts banging on it but even I know better than to unlock it. Daddy always hurts me when he is mad and my leg still hurts from where he hit me last week.

I clamp my hand over my mouth when sobs threaten to escape. Maybe if I am really quiet, daddy will leave and go back to watching his game. I want to call out to mom but she is not home yet and even if she was daddy always hurts her more than he does me and I do not want him to hurt her because of my mistake.

"Isaiah do not make me break this door down!" Daddy demands banging on the door.

A whimper escapes my lips when I feel him try to break it down. He is going to come in and when he does he is going to hurt me again. I curl into a ball and try making myself as small as possible praying for help.

"Okay, that's it." Daddy yells.

It goes quiet for a moment and I think he has left until I hear a loud crash followed by the sound of my door hitting the floor. I shuffle back trying to move as far back under the bed as I can but there is only so far I can go.

Daddy's footsteps thunder into the room and I can hear him moving around searching for me. I try not to move or make any sound but that does not help because his boots appear at the foot of the bed. He laughs maniacally and a second later, his face appears. He reaches for me and grabs my leg before I can run dragging me from under the bed.

"I got you now boy. You thought you could run from me. Now I'm going to teach you a lesson about manners." He yells bringing my face up to where I can smell the beer on his breath.

"I'm sorry daddy." I whimper hoping he will have mercy on me.

"Too late." He decrees as he lands a blow to my face.

I scream out loud in pain as I feel the familiar tangy taste of blood fill my mouth. He lifts his fist to strike me again but mom bursts into the room looking livid.

"Let go of my son." She screams and that is when I see the shiny metal in her hand.

"Or what? You are going to shoot me? C'mon we both know you do not have the guts. Give me the gun Rebecca before you do something that gets you hurt." Daddy demands holding his hand out.

"I said let go of my son Caleb or I will kill you." Mom screams her hands shaking as tears stream down her face.

"Rebecca give me the gun!" Daddy screams tossing me away so he can lunge at mom.

I land on the floor and twist my arm awkwardly which causes me to scream out in pain. This makes mom distracted so daddy takes this chance to reach for her. Mom resists and they both fall to the floor and start fighting for the gun. Daddy manages to wrestle it out of mom's hand. He slaps her and gets to his feet kicking her away.

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