Chapter Twenty Four

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Coordinating a team of basketball players and cheerleaders to get in the bus for an away game feels like I'm dealing with a bunch of kindergarteners. They won't stop flirting and the boys are behaving like they've never seen girls in short skirts before yet they are with us for every single game and sometimes wear their uniform to class.

"Is it mating season or something? They are all behaving like they are on heat." Baron groans standing next to me looking as frustrated as I am.

"Why did we choose to be captains again?" I ask in a regretful tone.

"For the respect?"

"Well we ain't getting much of that are we?" I retort.

"That's it, I'm getting coach." Baron declares and stomps off back into the locker rooms.

I'm about to start yelling again when someone walks past me waving their pompoms around and they hit me on the face.

"Jade seriously!" I grunt scowling at the culprit responsible.

She turns to me with a sickeningly sweet smile.

"What's up sugar? What's got you so uptight?" She asks.

"Get your girls in check and have them enter the bus please. They are distracting my team." I request as calmly as possible.

"Calm down, don't get your boxers in a bunch? You need to get laid Isaiah so you can lose that stick in your ass." She replies looking offended that I've asked her to behave like the captain that she is.

I roll my eyes and remember that my mom raised me right to never raise my hand on a woman.

"What has that got to do with anything? You know we should be on the road right now." I remind her.

"Ask me nicely." She grins.

I already didn't like Jade for what she did to Wesley and then she had to bully Kennedy which made me dislike her even more. Then she's trying to pull this shit with me. I do not have time for this.

"Forget it, I'll deal with it myself." I scoff.

I turn to leave until I hear what comes out of her mouth next. "I thought you dating that ugly red head would make you loosen up but she only made you more of an asshole."

I turn around so fast I get a whiplash but I ignore the jolt of pain. She smirks that she has my attention and continues. "What about her is so special that she has you guys so twisted around? All I see is a pick me bitch with mangled red hair."

I've heard enough! I walk up to her and invade her personal space so bad she is forced to step back. The fear in her eyes let's me know that she's aware of how bad she has messed up this time.

"Now listen and listen to me good here Jade. I do not give a flying fuck who your father is, if we start playing the powerful parent card my mom trumps over your father ten times over. Being an entitled spoilt brat doesn't make you queen of Pine View so I request that you be respectful to my friends. I let it go when you cheated on Wesley and Kennedy stopped me when you bullied her but don't let that fool you into thinking that you're untouchable. Kennedy is a much better person than I am and the only reason you are still here is because of her kindness. So before I decide to make you pay for hurting my friends I suggest you fix your attitude, get your teammates in the bus and stay the fuck away from us before I do something I'll regret." I seethe my body feeling so hot I wouldn't be surprised if there's steam coming out of my ears.

It's rare for my ugly side to show up unless I'm provoked past rational thought and Jade has just done that with her rudeness. She opens her mouth defiantly as if she wants to say something so I raise my eyebrow is challenge. She changes her mind, scuttles away and in two minutes all the cheerleaders are in the bus.

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