Chapter Three

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Being summoned to the guidance counselor's office is not my ideal way of spending my lunch hour but I don't have a choice. I always loved the first day of school at Oakland but Pine View is determined to drive me mad and the day is only half over. Bouncing from class to class, trying to find my way with no help, the stares, whispers and worst of it all, the nicknames;



Stop sign



To name just but a few of the colorful names I've been called behind my back and brazenly enough to my face by some. None of them original but still they tick me off. It's like they've never seen someone with red hair before. Maybe I should have kept the bleach blonde color.

Oh no!

I will not let them bully me back into a version of me that I hated. I worked really hard these past few weeks and I will not give up this new version of myself for anyone. So they can call me Ariel or Merida all they want, as far as I am concerned they were badass princesses who ruled their respective kingdoms.

When I get to the guidance counselors office after getting lost again, I am disappointed to find she has an ongoing session so I have to wait. It's frustrating but for the first time ever since I left home earlier this morning I get to take a few moments to breath. It's been one heck of a morning and I am pretty sure the afternoon won't be any better.

Ten minutes later a student walks out of the guidance counsellor's office and its my turn. I walk in and I'm surprised to find a young Caucasian lady seated behind the desk. Every faculty member I've met so far has been a person of colour so she's a welcome surprise. She looks a bit young to be a guidance counselor but who am I to judge. Her desk is neat so is her office and she has very many motivational quotes stuck on the walls. Must come with the job description I guess.

"Miss Foster, welcome, I'm June, the guidance counselor. Please sit." She invites.

I slide into the chair infront of her desk and hug my tote bag to my chest not knowing the reason for being called in here. I hope I haven't gotten into trouble, the day is barely half over and my parents will have my head if I mess up at Pine View as well.

"I'm sorry we weren't able to meet in the morning, first days can be hectic. How's yours been so far?" June asks.

Terrible. Horrifying. Scary. Hard. All the terrible adjectives but I settle for a simple ... "Fine."

"This is a safe space Jane, you can ..."

"... I prefer going by Kennedy." I correct her.

I hate my first name with a passion. If I could change it I would and I just might one day. Jane. Ewh! Such a yuck name.

"Of course, Kennedy, my apologies. As I was saying, this is a safe space. What you and I discuss does not go beyond these walls so feel free, please." June insists.

I know how guidance counsellors work and not everything stays a secret so there's not much I can tell her that won't warrant a call to my parents. They've already done enough damage and I know I'll be able manage on my own without her help.

"I'm okay really, this is all just a bit of an adjustment." I assure her.

"I can understand that. Oakland Preparatory is a far cry from Pine View."

I snort at how true that statement is. "Tell me about it."

June smiles in understanding. "But there's always something to learn and gain as long as you open your mind up to it."

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