Chapter Fourteen

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After a couple more rounds everyone gets tired of playing Never Have I Ever when the questions get boring so we move onto something a bit more dangerous. Spin the bottle, Truth or dare, nasty edition.

Wesleys party has been good so far, made even better by Kennedy's arrival. I've even discovered a couple of things about her that I didn't know. One is that she's been arrested three times and two is that she's never been in a relationship like me. The arrested part left me wondering because she does not look like the kind of person to get into trouble. But I've only known her for two weeks and we weren't talking for half of that time. I barely know anything about her so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she has such huge secrets about her life.

The dating part also left me with a few questions because she is stunning. How has nobody ever thought of snatching her up? The more I find out about her the more I realize that I do not know anything about the girl I'm developing feelings for. Maybe this party will be a chance to change that. I might even ask her out like Mr. Johnson suggested. Only time will tell.

Once those who don't want to play have left the circle and are replaced by others the game starts. Kristie goes first this time and the bottle lands on Kennedy.

"Kennedy truth or dare?"

The rules of the game are that all questions are nasty and so are all dares. That means from kissing, to making out to very inappropriate questions being asked. I would have opted out but Kennedy didn't leave when others were so I stuck around as well.

"Truth." She decides after thinking on it for a moment.

"If you could have sex with anyone in this party, who would it be?" Kristie asks.

I can tell by the widening of her eyes that the question surprises her but she gets over it quickly. She looks around the circle locking eyes with everyone including me before turning to Kristie.

"Myself." She grins.

"That's not an answer." Wesley groans in disappointment.

I laugh because it's a pretty good answer.

"Am I not a person in this party?" Kennedy asks him.

"You know what I meant." Kristie says.

"Then you should have been more specific. Next." Kennedy grins.

"Fine, you spin." Kristie relents.

Kennedy spins the bottle and it lands on Baron.

"Baron truth or dare?" She asks with a mischievous look in her eyes.

She's planning something and with the way she's looking at Kristie I know it's something to do with them both. It looks like she's caught onto the fact that they have feelings for each other but won't admit. They played chess for two hours this evening for crying out loud. If that doesn't scream sexual tension, I don't know what does.

"Dare." Baron replies.

"I dare you to kiss the girl on your left with tongue." Kennedy decrees.

The girl to his left is Kristie. Both of them panic.

"I choose truth." Baron says.

"Sorry no can do. You chose dare. Now kiss. No less than a minute." Kennedy adds.

I expect Baron to chicken out but he surprises me and everyone else when he turns to Kristie and cups her face.

"May I?" He asks her.

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