Chapter Twenty Five

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Being laid up in bed with the flu isn't how I wanted to spend my Sunday. I should be at work serving ice cream with Isaiah and Cove while listening to Archer make terrible dad jokes as Oscar whips us something delicious for lunch. Instead I'm lying in bed with a stuffed nose, fever of 104, non ending shivers and constant dizzy spells. I've been sick ever since I got home from work on Friday and I don't seem to be getting any better.

I hate hospitals so Glynn had our family physician do a house call. All he prescribed was rest and lots of fluids which is why the furthest I've gone is my bathroom to pee. Glynn is keeping me hydrated with one drink or another thus the constant bathroom visits.

My parents are aware that I'm sick but they are in Italy for a fashion event and won't be back till next week. I'll probably be all better by then, or dead. Either way they won't be here for it. I haven't told Astrid that I'm sick because she'll want to come see me and I don't want her to be sick. Glynn is under strict instructions to keep her in the dark. I don't want to be the reason she misses work. Nobody deserves to feel as I feel, let alone the person I love most in the world.

A soft knock on my door stirs me from my groggy state and I slightly push my covers away to expose my face. I rasp out a muffled invite thinking that it's Glynn with more soup or worse water. If I have to drink one more sip of water it's going to end up on him and I know how much he likes his suits.

The door opens to reveal the last person I expected to see.

"Iz what are you doing here?" I ask him struggling to sit up.

He waves and smiles but then it drops once he sees the state that I am in. Yes I know I look horrible. My face is all red and blotched, my hair frizzy and there's dirty tissues all over my bed.

"Glynn let me in. I wanted to check up on you after you were a no-show today. Plus I brought someone to cheer you up." He replies.

God please don't let it be the rest of our friends. I know he wouldn't betray me and bring them here when I haven't told them who I am yet but still there's a lingering fear.


He opens the door wider and a second later Ruby dashes into the room and straight into bed with me licking up my face. For the first time in three days I manage a laugh. I am happy to see her and Isaiah but I don't want them to get sick and I tell him as much.

"Don't worry, I got my flu shot and dogs cannot get human diseases. We'll be okay." He assures me.

"That's a relief. Thank you so much for coming." I reply rubbing the back of Ruby's ears.

She proceeds to lick my face wagging her tail happily. My parents would be so mad if they caught her in our house so it's a good thing that they are not here. One of the many times when their absence is a blessing.

"Please come in." I invite when I notice that Isaiah is still standing by the door smiling at us.

He enters and closes the door behind him walking further into the room.

"What are you carrying there?" I ask noticing the bag in his hand.

"Oh this is everyone's way of telling you to get better fast. Popsicles to help with the fever from Archer, soup from Oscar and a hug from Cove." He replies taking them out of the bag and laying them on the tray on my bedside table.

"I'll have the popsicle now, save the hug and soup for later." I say holding out my hand.

He smiles and unwraps a popsicle for me. It's mint flavored, not my favourite since it has the least amount of sugar which is probably why Archer sent me it to me.

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