Chapter Sixteen

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"Yesterday was fun." Mom comments as we ride in the backseat of her car.

She is on her way to work and is giving me a ride to Frosty Dream for my shift.

"Yes it was." I agree with a smile.

For the first time in a long time we spent the whole day as a family. For us days like yesterday are rare but we went to church together, had lunch at the country club, golfing in the afternoon, a home made dinner by mom and to end the day a movie and board games. Cairo didn't make it through half the movie but mom, Parker and I finished it, then played games till well past midnight. I think we were all trying to milk as much of the quality family time as possible since it happens so scarcely.

"We should do it more often." She suggests.

"We both know it's not possible ma." I reply.

"Why not?"

"We don't have that luxury, you have your Senatorial duties, Parker has his company and I have work, school and basketball." I explain even though she already knows this.

She sighs sadly when I remind her the reality of our life. "You're right but we can promise to take advantage of days like yesterday if presented with the opportunity."

"That we can do." I nod in agreement.

She smiles at me and pats my arm lovingly.

"It feels weird not going to school on a Monday." I comment.

"Well it is Labor Day which you should be enjoying by having fun like a normal teenager but here you are going to work." She replies with a disapproving look.

"Ma I had a whole free day yesterday, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I was home all day." I express.

I am used to keeping busy so being anything but is not in my nature.

"You need to take advantage of your youth while its still in your grasp kiddo. I know you lost your childhood but there's still time for you to enjoy being a kid before adulthood kicks in. You'll never get these years back." She advises.

"I know ma, I'm trying." I assure her.

"I know you are baby. Remember I'm always here for you."

"Thank you mom and I'm here for you as well." I reply making her smile.

I kiss her cheek and lay my head on her shoulder. "You've always been my strength so if you're happy then I'm happy too."

My mom is my strength as well, if it weren't for her I would have given up a long time ago.

"We're here ma'am." Gage announces as he parks outside Frosty Dream.

"Have a good day at work ma. Go show them who's boss." I grin at her as I grab my bag.

"You too kiddo. I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too."

"If you can make sure you go out and enjoy the parade, be a kid." She demands softly.

"Yes ma'am, I'll try."

After a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek I exit the car and stand on the curb until they drive off and disappear out of sight.

I see Kennedy through the glass before I even enter the parlor. She's wiping down the tables dancing to what I can assume is music playing inside since I can't hear it from out here. She looks beautiful in a work t-shirt, jeans and white converse sneakers. Her hair is in its usual bun, held in place by two pencils her hair net sticking out of her back pocket.

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