Chapter Thirteen

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Glynn looks surprised to see me enter the kitchen awake and fully dressed, ready to face the day bright and early Saturday morning. I usually sleep in till midday on weekends but that's a luxury I cannot afford anymore. I have work in an hour and even though I'm not on probation anymore I want to earn Archer's trust and maintain it.

"Going somewhere miss?" Glynn asks me.

"Yes, I got a job." I answer excitedly.

"A job?"


Today marks one week since I started working at Frosty Dream and I've loved every moment of it. Adjusting to being a worker bee wasn't easy but I'm glad I took that leap.

"You can't tell mom and dad. I work at an ice-cream parlor called Frosty Dream." I explain.

Glynn smiles and nods at me doing a zipping gesture with his fingers and tossing the key away.

"Your secret is safe with me. Do you need a ride to work?" He asks looking at me with a proud look on his face.

I love how he doesn't doubt my ability. At least I have one person who is genuinely rooting for me.

"No it's okay, I'll take the bus." I answer.

There's still time so I make myself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. I'll fill up up on Oscar's waffles when I get to work.

Glynn sits with me as I eat breakfast while he has his morning coffee. I ask about his wife and two sons who he assures me are doing great. I've met them a couple of times and they are a really nice family. Both his sons are older being twenty-nine and twenty-five years old. But they are single and hoping to start their own families soon.

"See you later Glynn." I tell him picking up my tote bag after I'm done with breakfast.

"Have a good day at work miss." He replies with a warm encouraging smile.

"I will."

The distance to Frosty Dream is walkable but I am lazy so I choose to take the bus. I know that Isaiah won't be at work today and I miss him already. We see each other all the time at school and at work. I'm used to his presence so today won't be the same without him around.

Working with Isaiah has allowed me to get to know him better and I've come to realize what a great and dedicated person he is. I am in awe of him. It makes me feel worse about how I treated him that first week but now that we're friends our relationship is improving. I am looking forward to learning more about him. Bonus point, he has a really cute dog that I want to meet.

I'm the first one at the Frosty Dream so I open up, put on my t-shirt, apron, hair net and get to work. Oscar joins me soon after and immediately gets working on making the waffles that I'm already addicted to.

Archer and our new employee Cove are the last ones to arrive. Cove is a student at NYU and is working here part time. She's amazing and I love hearing about her life in college. It makes me look forward to when it's my turn to join next year. I may not know what I'll pursue when I get there but I know that I definitely want to go.

As I'm making a banana split sundae bowl that Isaiah taught me, I remember about their game. An idea pops into my mind and I write the words "Good luck" on one of the bananas with fudge and quickly take a photo. I cover it up with more fudge after one done and serve it to the customer. I text the picture to Isaiah and he replies with a simple thank you. It's our first text exchange since we swapped contacts a few days ago. I won't be at the game but I hope the boys know that I'm thinking about them and wishing them the best. They didn't seem worried yesterday so I know they are confident that they will win.

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